Southern Finland, South Karelia Region
Municipality of Parikkala 
Area: 445 hectares; Established in 2020.

The mysterious blowing call of the Great Bittern (Botaurus stellaris) and the chorus of nocturnal songsters is a musical experience you will not soon forget. Siikalahti offers a chance to experience it. Situated on the eastern Finland migration route Siikalahti wetland is filled with a flurry of activity from April from November. During the course of a year hikers have the opportunity to observe 200 different bird species and during one day possibly as many as a hundred.

Siikalahti is the overgrown eastern bay of Lake Simpelejärvi. There are an exceptionally large amount of birds nesting in the area as well as stopping there during migration. This ensures that the area is Finland's most valuable inland bird wetland. It is the best lake in Finland for bird watching.

Siikalahti is also considered a significant bird wetland internationally. The area has been restored and repaired with funds from the EU LIFE-Nature Project during 2001-2003. The aim of the project was to slow the area's overgrowing and increasing the area's biodiversity.

The area is managed by Parikkala municipality.

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Customer Service

Saimaa Nature Centre Riihisaari
Tel. int. +358 (0)206 39 5929

Metsähallitus Customer Service Telephone: tel. int. +358 (0)206 39 4020

A hand holding a mobile phone showing Open the map of Siikalahti in