Eastern Lapland 
Area 12.4 km², Mire Reservation Programme 1988

Ilmakkiaapa is an excellent place to get to know the authentic aapa mire landscape of Northern Finland. The landscape changes with the seasons and spring brings along floods and the richness of mire birdlife. The autumnal aapa mire offers a vibrant blaze of colourful foliage. The trail is paved with duckboards, making it easy for you to explore the area. The bird-watching tower at the end of the trail is an excellent place to observe the mire birdlife. Ilmakkiaapa is, indeed, a dream location for bird-watchers.

Situated in the northern part of the Peräpohjola region's aapa mire belt, Ilmakkiaapa is an environment of great value and is a part of the National Mire Reservation Programme. It is located some 35 kilometres north of Sodankylä. The aapa mire opens up on both sides of main road 4 (E75), and beyond the mire arises the jagged, triangular silhouette of Postovaara Hill. The Ilmakkiaapa trail and bird-watching tower are easily accessible. Note! (updated 6/15/2024) The Ilmakkiaapa trail and bird-watching tower are closed due to very poor condition.

The area is managed by Metsähallitus, Parks & Wildlife Finland

Customer Service

Pyhä-Luosto Visitor Centre Naava
Tel. +358 (0)206 39 7302

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