What can one do in Viiankiaapa?

Red berries with thin grass-like stems lying over moss. There's some yellow leaves on the moss as well.

Walk on Marked Trails

Viiankiaapa Mire Reserve has nature trails in two locations. The circular Viiankiaapa Nature Trail (4.3 km) can be accessed at the northern end of the village of Kersilö. The one-way Siurunmaa Nature Trail (1.7 km) begins in Siurunmaa. The trails have duckboards and signposts.  

Go Canoeing

Viiankiaapa Mire Reserve has no actual water routes, but in the east the site is partly bounded by the River Ylijoki, where canoeing is possible.

Go Birdwatching

Viiankiaapa Mire Reserve is ideally suited to birdwatching. The site is home to a wide range of species: many birds of prey, grouse, ducks, the bean goose and the common crane thrive there. A total of 90 bird species have been sighted in the area. The most common bird is the willow warbler. Other abundant species include the brambling, meadow pipit and broad-billed sandpiper. A nature observation tower can be found at the end of the Siurunmaa Nature Trail accessed from the village of Siurunmaa.

Walk on Nature Trail

Viiankiaapa Mire Reserve has nature trails in two locations. The circular Viiankiaapa Nature Trail (4.3 km) can be accessed at the northern end of the village of Kersilö. The one-way Siurunmaa Nature Trail (1.7 km) begins in Siurunmaa. The trails have duckboards and signposts. Note! (updated 6/15/2024) The Siurunmaa Nature Trail and bird-watching tower are closed due to very poor condition.

Ski Cross-country Off Trails

There are no maintained trails in Viiankiaapa Mire Reserve, but you can freely explore the wintry landscape on skis.

Go Fishing

Most of the waters in Viiankiaapa Mire Reserve are privately or jointly owned. Only a small proportion of them are owned by the state. Hook and line fishing and ice fishing are everyman's rights, for which no permit is required. For other forms of fishing, you always need the landowner's permission.

Go Hunting

Hunting is regulated by the Hunting Act. Locals have the right to hunt in their home municipality on state-owned areas.

Go Berry and Mushroom Picking

Berry and mushroom picking are allowed as provided by everyman's rights.

Go Swimming

Swimming is allowed in the lakes and ponds of Viiankiaapa Mire Reserve, but there are no official swimming places in the area.

Go Snowshoe Walking

Viiankiaapa Mire Reserve is an excellent area for snowshoe walking, but there are no marked snowshoeing trails.