Services in Kilpisjärvi and Käsivarsi Wilderness Area

A light new wooden building in a winter fell landscape. There are map and instruction boards on the wall of the hut.


Customer Service and Guidance

Services offered by enterprises and other organisations

Meals, Where to Buy and Prepare

Cafés, Restaurants and Shops

  • There are a few restaurants and shops in the centre of Kilpisjärvi Village.

Campfire Sites, Campfire Huts and Wilderness Huts

  • Near the village of Kilpisjärvi, at the southern end of Lake Saanajärvi, there are two campfire huts. Along the Saana Trail there is a campfire hut. Campire huts are not for overnighting.
  • On the shore of Tsahkaljärvi Lake there is a lean-to shelter available for everyone (but not for overnighting) and a campfire hut for business use.
  • In the wilderness area, cooking is easiest with own camping cooker or in the wilderness huts, as they have a gas stove and/or a wood burning stove.
  • Lighting campfires is permitted, but not recommended as there are very few fallen branches to gather as firewood. Lighting campfires is forbidden when there is a wildfire warning in effect. It is not allowed to take firewood from the wilderness huts to use outside in campfires. Huts firewood can be used only inside in the hut stoves.

A wooden campfire hut in open fell landscape. Fells in the horizon.

Drinking Water

  • Water is mostly drinkable in the area's rivers. However, water is not examined and the use is at one's own risk. If the weather is warm, water should be boiled. In the vicinity of the huts, water can be taken upstream of the nearest river and far enough from the buildings.

Waste Management

  • Most of the open and reservable wilderness huts in Käsivarsi Wilderness Area still have waste bins. Waste bins have been removed from some of the wilderness huts; such as Kuonjarjoki and Halti open/reservable wilderness huts and Kaskasjoki open wilderness hut.
  • Biodegradable waste should be placed in a dry toilet or composter, and small amounts of clean paper and cardboard can be used as kindling in a campfire. Please bring waste out of the wilderness area to recycling points.


  • Each open and reservable wilderness hut has a dry toilet.

Overnight Stays

Camping and Campfire Huts

  • Camping is an Everyman's right in the wilderness area.

Open Wilderness Huts (owh) and Reservable Wilderness Huts (rwh)

  • Open wilderness huts are intended for resting for one or max two nights. More information on huts can be found on the open wilderness huts page.
  • You can spend one to two nights at a reservable wilderness hut if you reserve a bed in advance and pay the required fee. Reservations can be made at Eräluvat-webshop (
    • This hut is in Malla Strict Nature Reserve and near the point where Finland's, Sweden's and Norway's borders meet. Huts are on the northeast shore of Lake Kuohkimajärvi 100 m from the Norwegian border.
    • The huts are located near the Norwegian border to the north of the Salmivaara Hills at the western end of Lake Saarijärvi. In the same yard there are open and reservable wilderness huts.
    • The hut is on the north shore of the River Kuonjarjoki, south of the Kahperusvaara Hills peaks, in a valley between the Kahperusvaara Hills and Guonjarvárri Fell. One part of the building is an open wilderness hut and at the other end there is a reservable wilderness hut.
    • The hut is on the southeastern shore of the River Pierfejoki, which flows into the sound between Lakes Meekonjärvi and Skadjajärvi at the western end of Porojärvi Valley. The hut is 500 m from river delta.
    • The hut is on the southern shore of Lake Meekonjärvi about 500 m northwest of Meekonjärvi owh.
    • The hut is on the east shore of Lake Pitsusjärvi north of the River Rassajapuro. One part of the building is an open wilderness hut and at the other end there is a reservable wilderness hut.
    • The hut is on the west shore of the lake, which is on the south side of Halti Fell.
  • Halti owh /rwh
    • The hut is on the north shore of the lake, which is on the south side of Halti Fell. Hut has open and reservable sides.
  • Kopmajoki owh
    • The hut is west of Seitalompolo on the shore of the River Kopmajoki.
  • Lossujärvi owh
    • The hut is near the Norwegian border on the shore of Lake Lossujärvi to the south of Urtasvaara Hill.
  • Jogasjärvi owh
    • The hut is to the west of Lake Porojärvi on the shore of Lake Jogasjärvi. There is a rental hut next to the hut.
  • Porojärvi owh
    • The hut is on the southeastern shore of Lake Porojärvi at the mouth of the River Poroeno.
  • Taapmajärvi owh
    • The hut is at the head waters of the River Harrijoki, between Lakes Harrijärvi and Taapmajärvi.
  • Termisjärvi owh /rwh
    • The hut is on the north shore of Lake Termisjärvi on the west side of the stream which flows out of Salmikuru Ravine. One part of the building is an open wilderness hut and at the other end there is a reservable wilderness hut.
  • Ailakkajärvi owh
    • The hut is 1 km southeast of the northern tip of Lake Ailakkajärvi. It is on the shore of the lake. Lake Ailakkajärvi is located about 5,5 km east of Lake Ala-Kilpisjärvi.
  • Tenomuotka owh
    • The hut is on the western bank of the River Poroeno, about 1,5 km northeast of Karravaara Hill.
  • Puuvrasjoki owh
    • The hut is on the bank of the River Purasjoki, 18 km east of the south tip of Lake Ala-Kilpisjärvi. It is about 700 m from where the river branches out, and on the east bank of the western branch.
  • Kaskasjoki owh
    • The hut is on the south bank of the River Kaskasjoki, which flows into the River Toriseno. It is about 2 km in the direction of the lower course on an isthmus between the River Kaskasjoki and a pond.
  • Hirvasvuopio owh
    • The hut is on the west bank of the River Lätäseno at Hirvasvuopio. It is near the snowmobile track leading to Kilpisjärvi.
  • Ropi owh
    • The hut is on the east bank of the River Ropijoki, which flows into Lake Ropijärvi. It is by the reindeer round-up site.
  • Kutukoski owh
    • The hut is northwest of Kalkkoivi at the northern tip of Lake Ylimmäinen Vuontisjärvi.
  • Kalkkoivi owh
    • At the end of a road called Saksalaisten tie, "the Germans' Road" on the south side of the Kalkkojärvet Lakes.
  • Aatsa owh
    • The hut is on the southeastern shore of a pond in the west branch of the River Aatsajoki. The River Aatsajoki flows from Tarju Fell down into the River Könkämäeno.

Rental Huts

  • Rental huts differ from wilderness huts in that you can rent an entire cabin for you and your group. Reservations can be made at Eräluvat-webshop (
  • Jogasjärvi Rental Hut is located on the shore of Lake Jogasjärvi west of Lake Porojärvi.
  • Porojärvi Rental Hut is located on the southeastern shore of Lake Porojärvi, in the mouth of the River Poroeno.
  • Hirvasvuopio Rental Hut is located on the western shore of the River Lätäseno, about 450 metres from Hirvasvuopio Open Wilderness Hut.

Lodging in the Surrounding Area

  • Holiday Cottages
    • Private tourist enterprises rent holiday cottages in the Kilpisjärvi area.
  • Camping Grounds
    • There are camping grounds at Ropinsalmi and Kilpisjärvi.
  • Services for Caravan Tourists
    • Private tourist enterprises have parking areas with electrical supply for caravans.
  • Hotels
    • There is one hotel in the village of Kilpisjärvi.
  • Saunas
    • Private tourist enterprises in Kilpisjärvi have saunas for public use.
  • More information can be found on the Enontekiö website ( and on the Lapland tourism website (

Equipment Rental

Accessible Services

Other Services in the Surrounding Area

  • The closest banks, ATMs, medical centres and pharmacies are in the village of Hetta, the municipal centre of Enontekiö, and in village of Muonio.
  • There is a medical centre in Karesuvanto.
  • Kilpisjärvi village has a fuel distribution point, a shop, transportation services (taxi, boat and plane transportation), a permit sale point and post office services.
  • More information can be found on the Enontekiö website (
  • Find out more about visiting Lapland (

Avalanche Forecast

Check the avalanche forecast ( before your trip!

For Entrepreneurs

Tourist entrepreneurs operating in national parks or other areas managed by Metsähallitus need a cooperation agreement. A fee is charged for using the routes and service infrastructure for business activities.