How to Get Kairijoki

Kairijoki is located at north east from the village of Martti in Savukoski municipality. The distance from Savukoski village to Kairijoki is 57 kilometres. From Sodankylä via Tanhua the distance to Kairijoki is 105 kilometres. The nearest airport is located at Rovaniemi (229 km) and the nearest railway station is at Kemijärvi (167 km).

By Car to Kairijoki

There are no official parking areas. The distance from Savukoski village centre to Kairijoki is 57 kilometres, of which around 37 kilometres is on a narrow gravel road. 

  • When heading to Kairijoki please check the route in advance and take a paper map with you if needed, as there are gaps in the mobile network coverage in the area.
  • When considering using a taxi one a price estimate can be asked in advance from local taxi companies: Korvatunturin Taksi (tel +35840 730 6484) or Taksi Mika Peltoniemi (tel +35840 0589090).

Please Note Others Using the Area When Parking

Parking is possible at the yard of Kairijoen Eräkeskus (Kairiver Oy,, address Kairijoentie 365, Savukoski. Please check from the personnel that your car is not on the way.

  • The area is not operated in wintertime. Some of the roads in the area are not under winter maintenance or the maintenance only happens irregularly.

By Bus to Savukoski 

From Kemijärvi railway station there are bus connections to Savukoski and Pelkosenniemi (, from where one can continue with a taxi by invite connection to Savukoski. The pricing of the taxi by invite is in accordance with normal bus rates. Please check the taxi by invite schedule and instructions on ordering a taxi by invite from the tourism pages of Savukoski municipality (

Savukoski Wilderness Rivers Brochure

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