Updated 14.10.
The Lapinsalmi Bridge in Repovesi National Park is temporarily closed. Hikers are requested to arrive at Repovesi National Park through the parking areas of Tervajärvi and Saarijärvi. From Lapinsalmi, you can access the trails using the Ketunlossi ferry.

Repovesi National Park Trails

Hiking Trails

Repovesi National Park is a popular hiking destination. There are over 40 km of trails of various difficulty. Many of the trails are quite demanding, because of changes in altitude. There are stairs and duckboards in places, which are the most difficult to traverse. Hikers should reserve more time than usual for their trips. Because the area is so vast, hikes of longer length than a few days are possible.

Remember that the east and northeast part of the area is a restricted area for army use and therefore entering is not permitted in this area. The area is marked with blue-white paint, with bar gates and at some points with warning boards.

Starting points
Route and Hiking Tips 
Easy Trails
Other Hiking Trails 0–10 km
Other Hiking Trails over 10 km
Boating and Canoeing Routes
Biking Trails

There are four brown trail signs on a metal post in the forest.

Starting Points for Trails

Route and Hiking Tips

  • The area's trails are marked in the terrain with orange paint markings
  • From the Saarijärvi parking area it is about 3 km to the well-known Olhavanvuori Rock as well as the scenic look-out tower on Mustalamminvuori Hill and 2,5 km to Kirnuhuoko Cavern.
  • The Tervajärvi parking area is the ideal point to enter to all area; to hike around Tervajärvi or to start canoeing. In Kuutinkanava it's possible to carry (200 meters) your canoe to the side of Lake Repovesi (in this case it's also good to have a canoe trolley with you).
  • Kuutinkanava Canal is at the same distance from almost all the National Park's parking areas. Kuutinkanava Canal can be reached easily by boat.
  • The Ketunlenkki Trail ("Fox Trail") 3,5 km (Lapinsalmi - Kapiavesi - Lapinsalmi) offers a great opportunity to get a quick overview of the national park.
  • Day trips: If going on a day trip, it is often convenient to combine boating (water bus service, canoeing or boat rental) and hiking. You can row part of your route and walk the rest. Ask private tourist services for more tips. For more information on private tourist services in Repovesi area, look at Services in Repovesi National Park or Koli Nature Centre Ukko.
  • Groups arriving by coach: We suggest that groups arrange to be picked up at a different parking area from the one they are arriving at. So the walk back and forth along the same trail can be avoided.
  • The water bus stops at Mustalamminvuori Hill, Kuutinlahti Bay, Lapinsalmi Sound and Karhulahti Bay.

Easy Trails

Hikers and a dog are walking on the snowy Lapinsalmi bridge.

Lapinsalmi Bridge Trail (Lapinsalmen Sillan Reitti), 700 m each way

Walking time approx. 20 min each way. Ideal for families and groups. 
The trail features two sets of steps. The trail is compacted in the winter, but is not otherwise maintained - please be careful! Trails can be slippery. 

On the Lapinsalmi bridge trail, the bridge extending across Kapiavesi Lake is a real experience. Crossing the bridge is a great way for family members young and old to enjoy the excitement of hiking. 

Starting Point

  • Address: Lapinsalmi parking area, Riippusillantie 55, Kouvola
  • Coordinates: Euref-Fin (~ WGS84) lat: 61° 9,644' lon: 26° 50.191' ETRS-TM35FIN N: 6780701 E: 491202

Services and structures for hikers

Lapinsalmi parking area has information boards, toilets and a kiosk in summer. Lapinsalmi campfire site close to the bridge has a covered barbecue, two campfire sites, a dining shelter and a camping area as well as two piers. The lake beside the campfire site is suitable for swimming, even if there is no official bathing area. There are also toilets (please bring your own toilet paper). 

Short-term camping is allowed in Repovesi beside the campfire sites. In Lapinsalmi, you will find a camping area at the higher level to the east of the bridge. No tents are allowed around the campfire site.

Route Description

Orange dots on trees as well as Ketunlenkki symbols on signposts mark the trail.

The trail takes you from Lapinsalmi parking area to Lapinsalmi campfire site.

The Lapinsalmi bridge trail brings hikers through spectacular forest landscapes with rocky outcrops from Lapinsalmi parking area to the bridge across Kapiavesi Lake. On the far side of the bridge, the covered campfire site of Lapinsalmi invites hikers to stop for a picnic. This trail is part of the longer Ketunlenkki trail.

Talas Trail (Talaksen Reitti), 800 m each way

Demanding accessible trail symbol. Toilet symbol.  

Walking time approx. 20 min each way, no winter maintenance. 
A relatively easy trail for beginners, families and groups. During the snow-free season, the section along a gravel road from Tervajärvi parking area to Kariholma picnic area (800 m) is accessible for wheelchairs with an assistant and baby prams.

The gravel road that follows the curves of the beautiful Tervajärvi Lake facilitates accessible outdoor recreation in the forests of Repovesi. 

Starting Point

  • Tervajärvi parking area, Kivisilmäntie 720, Kouvola
  • Coordinates: Euref-Fin (~ WGS84) lat: 61° 9,364' lon: 26° 53,171' ETRS-TM35FIN N: 6780175 E: 493874

Services and structures for hikers

In Tervajärvi parking area, you will find information boards and toiles, as well as a boat launch site and a canoe pier on the nearby shore. Talas campfire site also has toilets. Please bring your own toilet paper.

Short-term camping is allowed in Repovesi beside the campfire sites.

Route Description

Orange dots on trees as well as Kaakkurinkierros symbols on signposts mark the trail.

The trail leads from Tervajärvi parking area to Talas campfire site along the main path after the barrier or, alternatively, a path that follows the lakeshore.

This trail is part of the longer Kaakkurinkierros trail.

Sukeltajaniemi Trail (Sukeltajaniemen Reitti), 900 m each way

Demanding accessible trail symbol. Toilet symbol.

Walking time approx. 20 min each way, no winter maintenance. 

A relatively easy trail for beginners, families and groups. The section from Saarijärvi parking area along a gravel road to Sukeltajaniemi picnic area (900 m) is accessible for wheelchairs with an assistant and baby prams during the snow-free season, but the actual campfire site is not suitable for wheelchairs.

The gravel road that takes visitors through the scenic forests of Repovesi provides an accessible route to Sukeltajaniemi campfire site located in a beautiful setting on the shores of Valkjärvi Lake known for its clear waters.

Starting Point

  • Saarijärvi parking area, Kuismantie 990, Kouvola
  • Coordinates: Euref-Fin (~ WGS84) lat: 61° 11,810' lon: 26° 52.857' ETRS-TM35FIN N: 6784718 E: 493601

Services and structures for hikers

Information boards and toilets are provided in Saarijärvi parking area. At Sukeltajaniemi campfire site, you will also find a toilet. No fires may be lit at Sukeltajaniemi campfire site when a forest fire warning is in operation. Please bring your own toilet paper.

Short-term camping is allowed in Repovesi beside the campfire sites. While Sukeltajaniemi campfire site is scenic and peaceful, it provides little space for tents.

Route Description

Orange dots on trees as well as Kaakkurinkierros symbols on signposts mark the trail.

The trail takes you from Saarijärvi parking area to Sukeltajaniemi campfire site.

From Saarijärvi parking area, Sukeltajaniemi trail follows a gravel road to the west. This is an easy walk, and the campfire site is visible from the gravel road. The trail is part of the longer Kaakkurinkierros trail.

A backpacker hiking on a forest trail.

Määkijä Trail (Määkijän Reitti), 1.7 km each way

Only in the snow-free season, walking time approx. 45 min each way, no winter maintenance. 

A relatively easy trail for beginners, families and groups. The section from Lapinsalmi parking area along the shores of Kapiavesi Lake to the ferry, 600 m, is accessible for wheelchairs with an assistant and for baby prams in the snow-free season. The last section from the ferry to Määkijä campfire site is not suitable for wheelchairs or prams as the trail is rough.

This trail is made slightly more challenging by the manually operated Ketunlossi ferry, which may extend the walking time. The ferry takes 8 to 10 persons. In the winter season as the water freezes, the ferry is out of operation and the trail is closed. 

Walk along the beautiful rocky landscapes and admire the views across Kapiavesi Lake and of the opposite shore. The manually operated Ketunlossi ferry makes crossing the water an adventure. In Määkijänniemi, which is reached by the ferry, you can explore a forest restored by burning.

Starting Point

  • Address: Lapinsalmi parking area, Riippusillantie 55, Kouvola
  • Coordinates: Euref-Fin (~ WGS84) lat: 61° 9,644' lon: 26° 50.191' ETRS-TM35FIN N: 6780701 E: 491202

Services and structures for hikers

Lapinsalmi parking area has information boards, toilets and a kiosk in summer. At Määkijä campfire site, you will also find toilets (please bring your own toilet paper), a canoe pier, a well (check the What’s New page to see if the water is fit for drinking) and Määkijä rental campfire hut.

Short-term camping is allowed in Repovesi beside the campfire sites.

Route Description

Orange dots on trees as well as Ketunlenkki symbols on signposts mark the trail.

The trail takes you from Lapinsalmi parking area to Määkijä campfire site.

From Lapinsalmi parking area, Määkijä trail follows the emergency access road to Kapiavesi Lake and along the shore to Ketunlossi ferry. To cross Kapiavesi to Määkijänniemi, hikers use Ketunlossi ferry operated manually by pulling the wires, making the crossing a real adventure. In Määkijänniemi, which you reach by the ferry, you can visit a forest that was restored by burning in 2007. Restoration (metsa.fi) is a method of nature conservation in which a variety of measures are to allow its recovery back to the natural state. This trail is part of Ketunlenkki trail. Määkijä campfire site can be reached by turning off Ketunlenkki trail and walking 200 m to the southeast according to Määkijä's signposts.

Other Hiking Trails 0–10 km

 A group of hikers of different ages crossing a wooden bridge. Smooth rock and sparse pine forest in the foreground.

Ketunlenkki Trail, 3.5 km Circle Trail

Walking time 2 to 3 hours. No winter maintenance.

Ketunlenkki, the most popular circle trail of Repovesi, is ideal for family outings. The sights and unique experiences along the trail include crossing the bridge of Lapinsalmi, the manually operated Ketunlossi ferry and the views opening out from Katajavuori hill. 

Starting Point

  • Address: Lapinsalmi parking area, Riippusillantie 55, Kouvola
  • Coordinates: Euref-Fin (~ WGS84) lat: 61° 9,644' lon: 26° 50.191' ETRS-TM35FIN N: 6780701 E: 491202

The Ketunlenkki Trail Map (excursionmap.fi, opens in a new window).

Services and structures for hikers

Lapinsalmi parking area has information boards and a kiosk in summer. 

Lapinsalmi campfire site has a covered barbecue, two campfire sites, a dining shelter, toilets and a camping area as well as two pier. The lake beside the campfire site is suitable for swimming, even if there is no official bathing area. Kapiavesi campfire site is situated around the halfway mark of the trail. In Kapiavesi, hikers will find a campfire site, a canoe pier and toilets. Please bring your own toilet paper. 

Short-term camping is allowed in Repovesi beside the campfire sites. See the Services page for a list of camping facilities at campfire sites. 

Route Description

Orange dots on trees as well as Ketunlenkki symbols on signposts mark the trail.

The Ketunlenkki Trail starts from the Lapinsalmi parking area and ends at the same place.

When followed clockwise, the trail starts with the Lapinsalmi bridge and campfire site. The trail continues east through forest toward the campfire site at Kapiavesi and then Määkijänniemi.
From the tip of Määkijänniemi, hikers cross Kapiavesi Lake with the manually operated Ketunlossi ferry, after which the trail follows the shores of Kapiavesi to the west, ending up back in Lapinsalmi parking area. 


If you would like a longer, more challenging hike, you can head for Katajavuori hill from Lapinsalmi. The long staircase is challenging, but the breathtaking views from the summit are worth the effort. From Katajavuori, the trail continues down toward Määkijäniemi. 

You can also combine Ketunlenkki trail with a visit to Määkijä campfire site and rental campfire hut (booking required) by turning off from Ketunlenkki trail some 200 metres before reaching Määkijänniemi.

The Ketunlossi ferry is not in use during the winter. When the ferry is out of service, the Ketunlenkki Trail cannot be hiked in its entirety. The strait has a strong current, so it is not advisable to cross over on the ice. We post information on ferry service on the Repovesi Facebook page and the Repovesi What’s New page.

The steep cliff rising from the lake and reflecting off the water surface.

Korpinkierros, 4.3 km Circle Trail

Time required approx. 2 to 3 hours, no winter maintenance.

Korpinkierros trail takes hikers through the impressive forest scenery of Repovesi. The rugged landscapes glimpsed from Olhavanvuori hill across Olhavanlampi Lake make the climb worthwhile. You can also step off the trail and visit Olhava lean-to shelter or campfire site close to the greatest rock climbing site in Finland, where ravens also nest.

Start point

  • Karhulahti when approaching with a boat
  • Coordinates for Karhulahti: Euref-Fin (~ WGS84) lat: 61° 11,067' lon: 26° 49.476' ETRS-TM35FIN N: 6783345 E: 490568
  • Olhava area
  • Coordinates for Olhava area: Euref-Fin (~ WGS84) lat: 61° 11,055' lon: 26° 49.485' ETRS-TM35FIN N: 6783323 E: 490577

Services and structures for hikers

At Karhulahti campfire site you will also find an information board, toilets, a canoe pier and Karhulahti rental campfire hut.

Olhava well is on this trail (Check the What’s New page to check that the water is fit for drinking). You can turn off the trail to visit a lean-to hut at the southern end of Olhavanlampi Lake or a campfire site for climbers. This site also features boards with information on climbing and the environment as well as toilets. Please bring your own toilet paper. 

Short-term camping is allowed in Repovesi beside the campfire sites. See the Services page for a list of camping facilities at campfire sites. 

Route Description

Orange dots on trees as well as Korpinkierros symbols on signposts mark the trail. The recommended direction is clockwise, allowing you to enjoy the best scenery towards the end of the trail.

One half of the trail follows roads. The first section comprises approx. 1 km of a gravel road from Olhava to Karhulahti, after which the trail follows an old and slightly overgrown forest road to the north for about 2 km. The trail continues through a diverse mixed forest before branching off to the right and gradually climbing towards Olhavanvuori hill, where hikers will be wowed by the rocky landscapes. The trail meanders through re-entrants, boulders and pine trees to slabs of rock from which a mosaic of forests and small lakes opens up as a great panorama in the west. From Olhava, walkers descend back to the main road.

Korpinkierros (pdf, 1,9 MB, julkaisut.metsa.fi)

A hiker wearing sunglasses and holding a traditional kuksa cup sits on a rock.

Koppelonkierros Trail, 8.3 km Circle Trail

Time required approx. 3 to 4 hours, no winter maintenance.

Koppelonkierros trail treats hikers to views across Tervajärvi Lake, shadowy cliff faces and mature forests. The old-growth forests of Tukkiniemi are also home to the animal from which the trail derives its name: koppelo, or female capercaillie.

Start Point

  • Tervajärvi: Kuutinkanava when approaching with a boat
  • Tervajärvi parking area, Kivisilmäntie 720, Kouvola
  • Coordinates for Tervajärvi: Euref-Fin (~ WGS84) lat: 61° 9,364' lon: 26° 53,171' ETRS-TM35FIN N: 6780175 E: 493874
  • Coordinates for Kuutinkanava: Euref-Fin (~ WGS84) lat: 61° 10.5306' lon: 26° 51.7597'  ETRS-TM35FIN N: 6782319 E: 492649

Services and structures for hikers

There are several campsites on the trail. An information board, toilets and a canoe pier can be found close to Tervajärvi parking area. The launch site is accessible for cars. Toilets, campfire sites and picnic tables are provided in Lojukoski, Kuutinkanava and Talas. Lojukoski and Kuutinkanava also have canoe piers and wells (visit the What's New page to check if the water is fit for drinking). Short-term camping is allowed in Repovesi beside the campfire sites. See the Services page for a list of camping facilities at campfire sites. Please remember to bring your own toilet paper and check for forest and grass fire warnings! 

Route description

Orange dots on trees and Koppelonkierros symbols on signposts mark the trail.

The trail starts from the Tervajärvi parking area and ends at the same place. It can be followed in either direction.

In the clockwise direction, the trail initially follows a relatively easy forest path to Talas for 700 m. It then crosses a service road cutting across the park and climbs up to a pine heath. After passing a long, majestic cliff face it reaches Kuutinkanava campfire sites. The dinstance from Talas to Kuutinkanava is approx 2,5 km.

The next route follows the northern shore of Tervajärvi Lake. The terrain here is often wet, especially in spring. The trail soon dives deeper into the forest towards Tukkiniemi, where you find the oldest trees in Repovesi National Park and some pristine natural forest. Before reaching Lojukoski campfire site, hikers cross a small bridge. The distance between Kuutinkava and Lojukoski is 2 km. 

One of several hikers standing on a forest trail bends to take a close-up photo of the trailside vegetation.

From Lojukoski the trail runs along the boundary of Pahkajärvi shooting range, which is out of bounds for hikers. After a slope with a spruce forest, it continues as a broad, easy track where mountain biking is also permitted. The trail remains smooth after the scenic Sulkusalmi bridge, then turns right and ducks into the woods. The highlights of this trail, which is rocky and challenging in parts, are clifftops with lookout points offering views across Tervajärvi Lake. Old pines with thick bark or twisted small ones, decaying ancient spruces and black alders with their dark green leaves on the shore create a real wilderness atmosphere. The trail ends close by Tervajärvi parking area.

Other Hiking Trails over 10 km

Two hikers setting up a tent by a lake.

Kaakkurinkierros, 26 km Circle Trail

Walking time 2 to 4 days in the ice-free season.
Hikers should reserve plenty of time for this trail because of its height differences.

Kaakkurinkierros introduces hikers to the rugged rocky scenery and sights of Repovesi and offers a number of campfire sites and possibilities for overnight stays. The mosaic of beautiful small water bodies and forests opens out from the rocky slopes of the hills on the northern side of Salpausselkä ridge. Enjoy the excitement of Lapinsalmi bridge and Ketunlossi ferry. Have a break under a rocky roof formed by the boulders of Kirnuhuoko, watch the efforts of brave rock climbers on Olhava and go back to the times of timber floating at Kuutinkanava campfire site.

Starting Points

  • Address: Lapinsalmi parking area, Riippusillantie 55, Kouvola
  • Coordinates for Lapinsalmi: Euref-Fin (~ WGS84) lat: 61° 9,644' lon: 26° 50.191' ETRS-TM35FIN N: 6780701 E: 491202
  • Address: Saarijärvi parking area, Kuismantie 990, Kouvola
  • Coordinates for Saarijärvi: Euref-Fin (~ WGS84) lat: 61° 11,810' lon: 26° 52.857' ETRS-TM35FIN N: 6784718 E: 493601
  • Address: Tervajärvi parking area, Kivisilmäntie 720, Kouvola
  • Coordinates for Tervajärvi: Euref-Fin (~ WGS84) lat: 61° 9,364' lon: 26° 53,171' ETRS-TM35FIN N: 6780175 E: 493874

Services and structures for hikers

In the parking areas

  • Lapinsalmi: information boards, toilets and a kiosk in summer. Canoe rentals by contract entrepreneurs. Canoe pier, follow the emergency access road for some 200 m to the shore
  • Saarijärvi: information boards, toilets. A well at 200 m outside Tolonen house, check the What’s New page to see if the water is fit for drinking.
  • Tervajärvi: information boards, toilets, boat launch site, canoe pier

At the campfire sites

  • A site for lighting fires, firewood, camping areas and toilets are provided at all campfire sites of the park. Please remember to bring your own toilet paper.
  • Additional structures at campfire sites:
    • Lapinsalmi: covered barbecue, dining shelter, two piers. 
    • Kuutinkanava, western end: information board, covered campfire site and dining shelter, canoe pier.
  • Kuutinkanava, eastern end: canoe pier and well (check the What’s New page to see if the water is fit for drinking).
  • Kuutti: canoe pier, toilet at 100 m along the trail to the west.
  • Olhava: lean-to shelter and well (check the What’s New page to see if the water is fit for drinking).
  • Kirnukangas: lean-to shelter 
  • Lojukoski: canoe pier and well (check the What’s New page to see if the water is fit for drinking).

Rental campfire huts (booking required)

Route Description

Orange dots on trees and Kaakkurinkierros symbols on signposts mark the trail.
This trail can be walked in either direction.

All three parking areas in Repovesi are suitable start points for Kaakkurinkierros trail. This trail description is based on starting from Lapinsalmi parking area and walking clockwise. 

Lapinsalmi-Kuutinkanava, 5 km. The first adventure on the trail is crossing the bridge of Lapinsalmi. The trail then continues north towards  the spectacular scenery of Katajavuori and turns back southwards along the shores of Katajajärvi Lake and continuing to the north towards Kuutinkanava campfire site. In Kuutinkanava you can go back to the old times at the campfire sites located beside troughs used for timber floating.

Kuutinkanava-Sukeltajaniemi 8,5 km. From Kuutinkanava the trail heads northwest towards Olhava and Korpinkierros. The trail follows Korpinkierros clockwise. It first passes Olhava well and takes in Karhulahti campfire site in the west, then meanders along the northern side of Olhavanlampi Lake to reach the top of Olhava hill with its rugged rocky landscapes. The trail then turns east towards Valkjärvi, following the shores of this beautiful lake northeast towards Saarijärvi parking area. You can stop at the beautiful campfire site of Sukeltajaniemi on Valkjärvi Lake.

Sukeltajaniemi-Lojukoski 5,5 km. Before reaching Saarijärvi parking area, you will come to Tolonen house, the service headquarters of the park, and the well in its yard. From the well the trail turns south along the shooting range boundary. Kaakkurinkierros trail then heads west and takes in Kirnukangas lean-to shelter and campfire site. The rocky bay of Kirnuhuoko is nearby, and the trail continues up some steps towards the lookout point of Hauklammenvuori, before heading east/southeast towards Lojukoski campfire site.

Lojukoski-Lapinsalmi 7 km. From Lojukoski the trail continues south along the shooting range boundary, crosses Sulkusalmi pedestrian bridge and, following the shores of Tervajärvi Lake, ends up in Tervajärvi parking area in the southwest. The next section heads for Talas campfire site to the northwest and further west towards Kapiavesi and Määkijänniemi. Finally, the trail crosses Kapiavesi Lake using Ketunlossi ferry and returns to Lapinsalmi parking area.


It is a good idea to divide Kaakkurinkierros into several legs and take 2 to 4 days to cover the entire trail. Hikers should reserve plenty of time for this trail because of the height differences. Repovesi rental huts, which should be booked in advance, are located at even distances along the trail, making it possible to hike without carrying a tent.

Kaakkurinkierros (pdf, 2 MB, julkaisut.metsa.fi)

Hikers on top of a mountain watching the summery lake landscape.

Things to see and experience

Kaakkurinkierros offers stunning panoramas in several places, for example from Katajavuori, Olhavanvuori and Hauklamminvuori hills. Kuutinkanava canal is steeped with the cultural heritage of timber floating, whereas the stone slabs of Kirnuhuoko are an example of the area’s rich natural heritage. The adventure and excitement of hiking can be embraced on Lapinsalmi bridge, Ketunlossi ferry and Olhava climbing face. 

You can turn off the trail to Mustalamminvuori hill and climb its viewing tower to enjoy a panoramic view of the park. 

Two kayakers in a narrow sound.

Boating and Canoeing Routes

Although there are no marked paddling routes in the area, there are plenty of service structures for paddlers. 

Paddling and rowing are also good ways of exploring the idyllic landscapes of Repovesi. Its majestic cliffs and sheltered waters make Repovesi an excellent water adventure destination, also for those with little paddling experience and new enthusiasts. 

Starting Points

Lapinsalmi parking area, Riippusillantie 55, Kouvola
Coordinates for Lapinsalmi: Euref-Fin (~ WGS84) lat: 61° 9,644' lon: 26° 50.191' ETRS-TM35FIN N: 6780701 E: 491202

Tervajärvi parking area, Kivisilmäntie 720, Kouvola
Coordinates for Tervajärvi: Euref-Fin (~ WGS84) lat: 61° 9,364' lon: 26° 53,171' ETRS-TM35FIN N: 6780175 E: 493874

Services and hiking structures

There are several rest stops with paddlecraft piers in the national park. Paddlecraft piers can be found in Lapinsalmi close to both the parking area and the campfire site, and in Kapiavesi, Määkijä, Lojukoski, Mustavuori, Kuutinkanava and Karhulahti. There is also a paddlecraft pier at the entrance to the park on Tervajärvi Lake. 

Visitors may camp for a short period of time next to campfire sites. There are also rental campfire hut at Karhulahti, Lojukoski and Määkijä. For more information, visit the Services page. Remember to bring along your own toilet paper and check the forest and grass fire warnings (ilmatieteenlaitos.fi)!

Also read about the area sights, equipment rentals, special services for boaters and guidance for visitors arriving by boat.

Route suggestions 

There are no actual marked water routes in the national park itself, but there are several maps of the area available. The Repovesi National Park service map (PDF 3,2 Mb, julkaisut.metsa.fi) is adequate for finding your way around. If you are planning a slightly longer paddling excursion, it is a good idea to also head outside the park’s boundaries, for example to Tihvetjärvi Lake and Hirvenpääjoki River, or start your trip from Hillosensalmi or Orilampi. In order to get to or from Lake Tervajärvi, paddlers will need to portage their watercraft across an isthmus, so it’s a good idea to bring a transport cart along.

The Savonselkä circular paddling route passes through the western part of Repovesi. It runs from Voikoski through Lake Vuohijärvi to Siikakoski, continuing to Verla. Repovesi can be accessed through the Hillosensalmi strait. This route has been advertised as the world's longest inland waterway paddling route (360 km); you may, of course, choose to only do a section of it. The landscapes along the route vary from beautiful, pristine wilderness to population centres.

Please note

Respect the privacy of holiday residents by leaving at least 50 metres between you and privately-owned shorelines (see map). See Repovesi map of privately-owned cottages (pdf 3.2 MB, julkaisut.metsa.fi). Other craft, including boats and water scooters, also plough the waters of Repovesi. You need to pay attention to other traffic, especially in Kapiavesi.

In order to protect the red-throated loon population of Repovesi and ensure its successful breeding, small ponds and lakes, such as Olhavanlampi, are off-limits to all waterborne traffic, including paddling, rowing and stand-up paddleboarding (SUP).

The eastern and northeastern part of the park comprise a reserve area for Pahkajärvi shooting and training range, and access to this area without a specific permit is prohibited.

Two mountain bikers riding along a gravel road in a forest landscape.

Biking Trails

The routes are open during the snow-free season.
Due to the hilly terrain, cycling can be quite demanding.

The Repovesi National Park can also be reached by bike, and the most famous long-distance landscapes are just a hike away from the biking trails. The park's excellent mountain biking trails start on the north side of the park and run all the way to Mäntyharju.

Services and hiking structures 

There are several campfire sites along the biking trails in the national park. The campfire sites of Määkijä, Lojukoski, Karhulahti and Kuutinkanava can be reached by biking. Visitors may also camp next to campfire sites. There are rental campfire huts at Karhulahti, Lojukoski and Määkijä. For more information, visit the Services page.  

Please remember to bring your own toilet paper and check for forest and grass fire warnings (ilmatieteenlaitos.fi)!

The biking trails are marked on signposts at trail junctions with their own symbols. 
You can also find trails and services on the map (PDF, 6 Mb, julkaisut.metsa.fi).

Route suggestions

Within the national park, it is possible to bike the circle trail starting at almost any entrance.
For example, when starting at Lapinsalmi, you first cycle to the Ketunlossi ferry and then continue to Määkija on a wide, packed trail. After Määkijä the trail joins a service road, soon followed by Kivisilmäntie road to the south of Kuutinkanava. From Kivisilmäntie road you join Kuismantie. This road leads to Saarijärvi Lake, from where the trail continues to the right along a service track surrounded by forests. The trail then follows the boundary of the shooting range reserve area and goes on via Lojukoski to Tervajärvi, from where you continue along Kivisilmäntie road to the north and on via Määkijä and the ferry, returning to Lapinsalmi. 

In the northern part of the national park, the trails join the Mäntyharju-Repovesi trail (mantyharju.fi, in Finnish). A trail leads off from the trail to Orilampi hut. The trail has been planned and improved especially with mountain bikers in mind.

You can also take a detour to Repovesi from the national cycling trail no. 15, which runs from Kotka to Mikkeli. The trail passes by the Lapinsalmi entrance to the park. For the last three kilometres, follow the unpaved Tihvetniementie road.

Please note

Biking in the national park is only permitted on the trails designated for this purpose, which mainly comprise service tracks and roads. 

Because the most famous views of the national park, such as Olhava and Mustanlamminvuori Hill, are not on the biking trails, you should be prepared to leave your bike locked on the path or at a rest stop while taking the views in.

Although Kuismantie and Kivisilmäntie (which traverse the park) are closed off with gates, these roads are still in use. The twisting and hilly road has a gravel surface.

You will also encounter pedestrians on all trails.

Check for Warnings

When forest and grass fire warnings (en.ilmatieteenlaitos.fi) are in effect, fire is only allowed at covered campfire sites that have a flue. A fire can be also lit in fireplaces at wilderness and other huts. Always use extreme caution when handling fire. The one who lights a fire is always responsible for its safe use. Please note, that making fire at these campfire sites can be banned locally. 

Gathering at the campfire sites increases the risk of coronavirus infection. Guidelines concerning coronavirus COVID-19

Customer Service

A hand holding a mobile phone showing Excursionmap.fi. Open the map of Repovesi National Park in Excursionmap.fi.

Parking Areas


  • Riippusillantie 55, Kouvola


  • Kuismantie 990, Kouvola


  • Kivisilmäntie 720, Kouvola