Services in Urho Kekkonen National Park

Anterinmukka Open Wilderness Hut: Using the sauna is prohibited from April 15, 2024. Deficiencies in fire safety have appeared during the inspection.

Customer Service and Guidance

Urho Kekkonen National Park Customer Service 

Service hours in 2024

  • We serve by e-mail and telephone on weekdays Mon-Fri 10 am-1 pm.
  • Customer service is closed on public holidays.
  • We reserve the right to change opening hours.

Contact Information  

  • Telephone: +358 206 39 7200. The price of the call is EUR 0.00/min + mobile phone charge specified in your mobile phone subscription or local network charge when using a landline phone.
  • E-mail:


  • Urho Kekkonen National Park, Sodankylä, Savukoski, Inari, Notrhern Lapland. 


  • Hiking and route information, reservations and keys to huts in Urho Kekkonen National Park and the Hammastunturi Wilderness Area and fishing, hunting and snowmobile track permits. 
  • Information on Urho Kekkonen National Park, hiking, wilderness huts, river crossings, and assistance in planning a hiking route.
  • Information on hiking possibilities in surrounding areas.
  • Reservations and keys for rental huts in Hammastunturi Wilderness Area.
  • Reservations and keys for wilderness huts in Urho Kekkonen National Park.
  • Information on Metsähallitus products and services.

Services Offered by Enterprises and Other Organisations in the National Park

Meals, Where to Buy and Prepare


A lean-to shelter next to a river, firewood is stacked at one side of the shelter, next to that is a chopping block and two sawbucks.

Campfire Sites, Lean-to Shelters, Wilderness Huts, Cooking Shelters and Campfire Huts

In the recreational and nature turism zone lighting fires is only permitted at specially designated campfire sites. In the remote zone (except Paratiisikuru, Lumikuru and Raja-Jooseppi homestead and in the skolt fields) you are free to light fires using fallen twigs and branches found on the ground. The lean-to shelters and Campfire huts have a saw and an axe in their woodsheds.

  • The national park area contains
    • 6 Day-use huts
    • 17 Open wilderness huts
    • 13 Open and reservable wilderness huts
    • 4 rental turf huts
    • 3 rental huts
    • 27 Lean-to shelters
    • 74 campfire sites
  • The locations of the structures are marked on the outdoor maps. The structures can also be found on the web-page.
  • Please note that lighting campfires is also forbidden at campfire sites if the forest fire warning or the grass fire warning is in effect. Check the current warnings (
    • This prohibition does not apply to cooking shelters or other fireplaces with a flue.

A wide river with steep banks is flowing through the forest, a suspension bridge is crossing the river.


Does the River Suomujoki flood, and how can the river be crossed?

Usually the River Suomujoki experiences spring flooding up till June, and autumn floods can begin as early as in August. There are three bridges across the river at Porttikoski, Kotaköngäs and close to the mouth of the River Aitaoja.

Approximately 300 metres from Lake Aittajärvi, downstream of the River Suomujoki, there is a wading spot. When water at the wading spot is at normal height, it is up to one's knee and the current moderately swift. There are also a few wading spots down stream from Aittajärvi. For example, at Snellmaninmaja cabin there is a spot where, during normal water, one can get across.

The Kolsankoski bridge by the River Nuorttijoki, has collapsed due the heavy snow burden. During year 2020 the bridge is meaning rebuild.

A hiker filling up water from a fell creek.

Drinking Water

  • The water in the area's ponds, streams and rivers should usually be safe to drink, but the water systems have not been tested. It is therefore advisable to boil water before drinking it.
  • Visitors may take water from Visitor Centres and Customer Service Points with them on their hike.

Waste Management

  • The Saariselkä - Kiilopää area is a Hiking without Littering -zone. Waste-bins have been removed from the Saariselkä day trip trails. Measures should be taken in advance to avoid taking unnecessary waste into the area. Biodegradable waste should be placed in a toilet or composter, and small amounts of clean paper and cardboard can be used as kindling in a campfire.

  • Daytrip hiking areas' huts toilets at Rumakuru, old Rumakuru, Luulampi and Rautulampi is only for "poop and pee". Do not put any biowaste to these toilets.

  • Take all other waste out of the area. There are recycling points at the beginning and end of each hiking trail.

  • Metsähallitus rangers manage and maintain the National Park's wilderness huts. The basic clean-up and waste management at each wilderness hut is the responsibility of hikers. Compost waste must be put into the huts own composter and burnable waste can be burnt in the hut's iron stove. Hikers must take their all other waste out the park area.

  • More information on waste management can be found at Urho Kekkonen National Park Customer Service and on our Hiking without littering page.

A shed built of logs in the middle of the forest. A sawbuck can be seen in front of the shed and another building can be seen in the background


  • All wilderness huts and lean-to shelters have dry toilets. Toilets at Rumakuru, old Rumakuru, Luulampi and Rautulampi, has a toilets which empties with suction to tanks, so do not put any biowaste to these toilets.

Overnight Stays


  • In the recreational and nature turism zone camping is permitted only at the campfire sites and on the designated tent areas near the huts.
  • In the remote zone you can freely choose a camping location - except for the areas of Paratiisikuru, Lumikuru and the surroundings of ancient structures, where camping is forbidden. There are designated campsites near the lean-tos and on the shore of Lake Luirojärvi. 
  • Local inhabitants have certain special privileges in the national park.

Four tents in the middle of an autumn forest. A deep ravine can be seen in the background.

Lean-to Shelters and Lapp Pole Tents

Most of the national park's lean-to shelters and Lapp Pole Tents are located along the Suomujoki, Luttojoki and Nuorttijoki rivers and are suitable for overnight stays mainly in the summer and autumn. All of the lean-to shelters and Lapp pole tents have woodsheds and dry toilets.

  • In the recreational and nature tourism zone there are 27 lean-to huts and log tepees.
  • The locations of the structures are marked on outdoor maps. The structures can also be found on the service.

A hiker in his sleeping bag inside the lean-to shelter. A dog is lying next to him.

Open and Reservable Wilderness Huts and Open and Reservable Turf Huts

Hikers in Urho Kekkonen National Park can choose from a total of 37 overnight huts and turf huts. The oldest huts are from the 1930s but you can still find marks from the turn of the 19th century on the logs of Vanha Rumakuru Day-use Hut. Over the years the huts have been renovated but they still give you a sense of the park's old hiking history.

You can rest, spend the night, cook food and dry your gear in the huts and turf huts. Open wilderness huts can be used freely, but reservable huts and turf huts need to be reserved in advance. Each hut's facilities are described separately.

Three hikers are talking outside a cabin. Forest skis are leaning against the cabin wall. A wintry fell landscape can be seen in the background.

  • Pets are permitted in the day-use hut and in the open wilderness hut, but only in case that other visitors agree with it.
  • Pets are not permitted in the reservable wilderness hut and in the rental hut.
  • You can stay a maximum of two consecutive nights in the open wilderness huts, in the open turf huts, in the reservable huts and in the reservable turf huts.
  • You can stay a maximum of seven consecutive nights in the reservable huts and in the reservable turf huts during 1.10.-28.2. and in May.

Rental Huts

Three hikers are talking outside a cabin. Forest skis are leaning against the cabin wall. A wintry fell landscape can be seen in the background.


  • There are open saunas in the national park which are with a small payment for all to use. Please take concern the other users of saunas.
    • ​Payment for sauna per person is 10 euros and for children 5 euros (under 7 years) or a member of a min. 10 persons group. Payment within a making a reservation to huts, or at a Customer Service Ivalo. Payment in Eräluvat webstore ( Prices include 24% vat.
      • There are saunas at Luirojärvi, Anterinmukka, Tahvontupa and Karhuoja.
      • There is a sauna at Tikkasen Vieriharju Rental Hut which is meant only for the occupants of the hut.
      • Free saunas without any payment are: Vieriharju and Härkävaara 

Lodging, Equipment Rental and Other Services in the Surrounding Area

More information on websites

Check for Warnings

When forest and grass fire warnings ( are in effect, fire is only allowed at covered campfire sites that have a flue. A fire can be also lit in fireplaces at wilderness and other huts. Always use extreme caution when handling fire. The one who lights a fire is always responsible for its safe use. Please note, that making fire at these campfire sites can be banned locally. 

Gathering at the campfire sites increases the risk of coronavirus infection. Guidelines concerning coronavirus COVID-19

For Entrepreneurs

Tourist entrepreneurs operating in national parks or other areas managed by Metsähallitus need a cooperation agreement. A fee is charged for using the routes and service infrastructure for business activities.

Urho Kekkonen National Park Brochure

(Pdf-file 2.7 MB,

Rules for Using Wilderness Huts

Read how to use wilderness huts

Information for Companies and Big Groups

Do you plan to organize guided excursions to the Finnish National Parks or other protected areas? It is possible due to partnership agreement with Metsähallitus, Parks & Wildlife Finland.


Many kinds of Huts for the Hiker. Please note, that it is not allowed for big groups or commercial groups to overnight in Open Wilderness Huts and in Day-use Huts