Kolovesi Nature Information Hut

Kolovesi Nature Information Hut is located in Enonkoski municipality centre near beautiful rapids, in an old granary. It is open in the summer and there is an exhibition about the natural features of Kolovesi. There you can also get information on how to explore the National Park, where to rent canoes and boats, and where to obtain fishing permits and licences.

Opening Hours in 2024

  • 10.6.-30.6. Mon-Fri 10 am-4 pm, Sat-Sun 10 am-3 pm
  • 1.7.-31.7. Mon-Fri 10 am-5 pm, Sat-Sun 10 am-3 pm
  • 1.8.-4.8. Mon-Fri 10 am-4 pm, Sat-Sun 10 am-3 pm


  • Closed for Midsummer 21.-23.6.

All rights reserved


Admission is free. It is allowed to bring pets in the hut. 


Kolovesi Nature Information Hut is located in the centre of Enonkoski municipality near rapids and an old museum bridge. Enonkoski is about 33 km from Savonlinna to the north and 55 km from Heinävesi to south.

By Public Transportation


Permanent Exhibition

The exhibition at the Nature Information Hut shows how the natural features of the National Park were formed after the Ice Age. Kolovesi was uncovered 10 500 years ago from under the ice sheet a couple of kilometres deep. The cliffs of the National Park are all that there is left of the ancient mountains.

Looking at the 5 000-years-old rock paintings in Kolovesi you can get a picture of the hunting and fishing culture of the Stone Age. The man has always had to share the fishing waters with the Saimaa Ringed Seal (PDF file, 4.9 Mb, julkaisut.metsa.fi). The exhibition at the Nature Information Hut also tells us how a seal living in the sea developed into the Saimaa Ringed Seal living in fresh water.

Handicraft shop and temporary exhibition

Upstairs of the Hut, products made by local handicraftsmen are sold. The room also serves as a place for temporary exhibitions. The exhibition of 2024 is "Shell shapes", ink paintings by an artist Katriina Kaija.


Finnish National Parks: The Magic of Northern Nature is a film of Finland`s Nationalparks by Petteri Saario. 

Torsti - the child of dephts is a film of a pup of the saimaa seal by Juha Taskinen. 

Isien työt is a collection of old films (1936-39) telling about living and working at those times. Films are collected by Kansatieteellinen Filmi Oy. 

Films can be seen in the exhibition for free.

The café of Kolovesi Nature Information Hut

  • Opening times same as the Nature Information Hut's.
  • Seats for about 14 people inside and 30 on the terrace outdoors.
  • The café is managed by the local 4H Association.
  • Tel.int. +358 44 0479 493