Services Offered by Enterprises and Organisations in Hossa National Park

The renovation of the Hevonperse bridge on the snowmobile track will start at the end of week 27. The Peranka-Kukkuri summer hiking trail is closed at the bridge construction site. It is not allowed to go under the bridge. Paddlers can pass the site from the east side of the bridge.

All hiking trails are open in Hossa after the storm on 06/29.

Following enterprises and other organisations offer services in the protected areas and hiking areas in the Hossa National Park. They have a partnership agreement with Metsähallitus and they follow the principles of sustainable nature tourism ( when operating in the areas

  • Arola Farm and Wilderness Holidays (    
    • Outdoors activities, bear watching, fishing and hunting.
    • Rental equipment: skies, snow shoes, canoes
    • Accommodation and catering
    • Guided excursions and programme services in the Martinselkonen protected area and other Kalevalapark areas in Suomussalmi
  • Avec Marja (
    • Guided tours: skiing, snowshoeing, hiking
    • Rental equipment: snowshoes, HOK-skis, snow sledges
    • Events and courses
  • Break Sokos Hotel Vuokatti (
    • Accommodation in Vuokatti.
    • Private saunas, meetings and functions, exercise opportunities and wellness services.
  •  Camping Hossan Lumo (
    • Café and minimarket
    • Rental equipment: canoes, kayaks, SUP-boards, rowing boats, HOK-skis, fatbike
    • Camping services, rental cabins and sauna  
  • Erässeikkailija (, in Finnish)
    • Berry and mushroom picking, cycling and hiking
    • Boat transportation
  • Experience KL Oy (    
    • Customer service at the Hossa Visitor Centre, café-restaurant, rental equipment, guided tours, rental cabins 
    • Guided tours and programme services in the Hossa National Park and Kylmäluoma Hiking Area 
  • Hikes'n Trails Tmi Janne Autere (
    • Variety of guided tours (skiing, dogsledge rides, snowshoeing, berry and mushroom picking, canoeing, hiking, biking, thematic tours, church-boat trips) 
    • Rental equipment for hiking, canoeing,
    • Catering, cooking courses
    • Booking hotel rooms or cottages, saunas, meeting rooms
    • Meeting arrangements
    • Environmental education, camp schools
  • Hossan karhut (    
    • Bear and volwerine watching and photographing
      • Programme services near the Kalevalapark areas
  • Hossanportti ( 
    • Camping services, rental cabins, sauna. Seipiniemi tentsile camp, smoke sauna
    • Café in Hossanportti , catering in Seipiniemi
    • Hossa Taxi, tel. +358 40 531 8964 
    • Rental equipment: electric fatbikes, kayaks, SUP-boards, rowing boats
    • Equipment transportation
  • Hossa Reindeer Park (, in Finnish)
    • Sleigh rides, reindeer culture
    • Home-cooked meals in a hut-type restaurant
    • Tsukotka island
    • Souvenirs
    • Events, celebrations
  • Hossa Travel (
    • Guided summer and winter tours and programs
    • Nature- and activity-based holidays
  • Iivaaran Eräkartano (
    • Snow shoe hikes, picking berries and mushrooms, hiking
    • Catering
    • Sauna and cottage rent
  • Jarmon Eräpalvelu (, in Finnish) 
    • Guided hunting, fishing and nature tours
    • Programme services near Hossa National Park
  • Kainuun luontoretket (, in Finnish)
    • Ski and snow shoe trips
    • Hiking, canoeing and biking trips
    • Berry and mushroom picking trips
    • Fishing and hunting trips
    • Other thematic trips, programs and tutorials
    • Catering services
    • Rental cottage
    • Camp schools, nature schools
    • Events, courses
    • Rental equipment: electric fatbikes, canoes and kayaks, rowing boats, skis
    • Equipment transportation
  • Kuusamon keidas 
    • Guided tours: skiing, fishing, snowshoeing, picking berries, hiking 
    • Rental equipment: snowshoes, rowing boat 
    • Café, catering 
    • Conference room and services, rental cabins, sauna 
    • School camps 
  • Lazydog SUP, Hankasalmi (, in Finnish)
    • Guided SUP-board, mountain bike and hiking activities on the Hossa SUP, hike and bike weeks
  • Loma-Hossa (
    • Accommodation in cabins and in apartments near Hossa National Park
    • In log cabins there is sauna and own shore, also a boat available
    • Apartments are in Loma-Hossa's Rajakartano which suits well for groups
  • Lomamökit Paasovaara (
    • Accommodation near Hossa National Park, rental cabins
    • Conference services, smoke sauna 
  • Luonnollisesti Oulujärvi Ky ( 
    • Canoeing, fishing and hunting tours, rental equipment, cottage
    • Guided tours and programme services in the following areas:
      • Oulujärvi hiking area 
      • Talaskangas protected area 
      • Rokua National Park 
      • Rumala-Kuvaja-Oudonrimmet –Natura2000-area 
      • Hossa National Park
  • Martinselkosen Eräkeskus (
    • Observation and photographing bears
    • Accommodation, catering and sauna in Pirttivaara near Martinselkonen protected area in Suomussalmi
    • Programme services: snow shoe walking, cycling
    • Eqipment for rental: fatbikes
  • MyTrail / MunPolku (
    • Hiking and snowshoe walking
    • Yoga programmes
  • Norwide Finland Oy (
    • Outdoors activities 
    • Hotel and cottages near Hossa National Park 
    • Guided tours and programme services in the followin areas: Hossa Hiking Area and Kalevalapark areas
  • Oulangan Taika (
    • Guided hikes over one night, self-guided hikes in national Parks: Hossa, Oulanka, Riisitunturi ja Salla
    • Hiking equipment, backpacks, tents, sleeping bags and pads, cookers
  • Outdoor Passion Finland Oy (
    • Skiing, paddling / SUP, hiking, theme excursions and programmes
    • Meals in the terrain
    • School camps
    • Courses and events
  • Palosaaren poro- ja kalastustila ( 
    • Fishing tours 
  • Pitopalvelu Merja Kieppi,
    • Skiing, snowshoeing, picking berries and mushrooms, hiking, snowmobiling, fishing and hunting
    • Catering, meals in the terrain
    • Cottage rental
  • Raatteen petobongaus
    • Bear safaris, reindeer sleigh riding, skiing, fishing, bird watching, rental cabins, meat refining, camp shcool
  • Saijan Lomakartano (
    • Guided tours: skiing, husky safaries, snowshoeing, canoeing, picking berries, snowmobile safaries)
    • Rental equipment: canoe, bikes, SUP board, rowing boat)
    • Accomodation and catering: hotel, restaurant, smoke sauna, congress room and services) 
  • Taiga Spirit (
    • Wildlife watching, snowshoe walking tours
    • B&B-accommodation in Lentiira, Kuhmo
    • Guided tours and programme services in the following areas:
      • Areas of the Friedship park: Lentua, Iso-Palonen – Maariansärkät, Elimyssalo protected areas
      • Jämäsvaara recreation area
      • Sininen polku recreation area
      • Hiidenportti National Park 
      • Hossa hiking area 
      • Martinselkonen protected area
  • Taigavire (
    • Guided tours: hiking trips, mountain biking, paddling trips, bird observing trips, nature and plant trips, cross-country skiing trips, snowshoeing trips, horse trekking
    • Wilderness skills courses, kayaking courses
    • Outdoor equipment rental: canoes and kayaks, fatbikes, tents
    • Outdoor cooking services, custom outdoor dining
    • Outdoor cooking courses
    • Meeting services
    • School camp, nature school camp
    • Adventure education
  • Territoires du Nord / North Territories Oy (
    • Multi activities in the Hossa National Park and Kalevala Park
    • In winter: Sled dog, snow mobile, snow shoes, skiing
    • In summer: Trekking, kayaking
  • Tmi Kainuun tapahtuma- ja ohjelmapalvelu (, in Finnish) / Renne Karppinen  
    • "Hepokönkään Höppänä" is a fairytale character, whose programmes are especially tailored for children. However, his stories and songs contain real facts about Finnish nature and activities.
    • Programme services in the following areas:
      • Protected areas in the Kainuu region  
      • Hossa National Park  
      • Repovesi National Park
  • Tmi Veli Paasovaara (, in Finnish) 
    • Boat cruises on Julma Ölkky Canyon lake
    • Cafe-kiosk (open in the summertime)
  • Upitrek Oy (
    • Winter programs: Cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, multiactivities
    • Summer programs: Hiking, cycling, canoeing, multiactivities
    • Camp schools
    • Guided excursions in the following areas:
      • Hossa National Park 
      • Oulujärvi and Kylmäluoma hiking areas
      • Hiidenportti National Park
      • Tiilikka National Park
      • Kalevalapark areas, Eastern border trail
      • Friendship park areas: Elimyssalo, Iso-Palonen - Maariansärkät and Lentua protected areas
      • Also many other destinations
  • Vienan Lomat (, in Finnish) 
    • Outdoors activities, also hunting and fishing tours 
    • Accommodation and catering in Kuivajärvi 
    • Programme services in the following areas:
      • Murhinsalo protected area 
      • other Kalevalapark areas  
  • Vuokatti Safaris Oy (
    • Husky safaris and guided tours
    • Snowmobile safaris
    • Snowshoe adventures
    • Guided hikes and tours
    • Paddling and fishing tours
    • Programme services in the following areas
      • Kalevalapark areas   
      • Eastern border winter trail

For Entrepreneurs

Tourist entrepreneurs operating in national parks or other areas managed by Metsähallitus need a cooperation agreement. A fee is charged for using the routes and service infrastructure for business activities.