Pyhä-Luosto Winter Trails

The day-use hut at Karhunjuomalampi is closed until further notice due to a gas stove accident. The two campfire sites in the yard are serving customers as usual.

Cross-country ski tracks and a skate corduroy at sunset in a winter landscape.

The day-use hut at Karhunjuomalampi is closed until further notice due to a gas stove accident. The two campfire sites in the yard are serving customers as usual.

Cross-country Skiing Trails, 150 km

The skiing trails of Pyhä-Luosto National Park reward the skier with great views. Reserve some time, pack some lunch and head to the trails! There are about 150 km of maintained cross-country skiing trails in the Pyhä-Luosto area. Experienced skiers can enjoy a day trip from one fell to another and take the SkiBus for the return journey. All the maintained trails in the area are suited both for classical and free style cross-country skiing. 40 kilometres of the trails are lit, so they can also be enjoyed after a day on the slopes. There are cozy cafés by the trails serving drinks and snacks. Information about equipment rental, trail maintenance, café opening hours etc. can be found at Pyhä's cross country skiing info ( You can get cross-country skiing trail maps from the Visitor Center Naava and the customer service points in the area.

Two skiers on ski tracks at a snowy forest with two huts next to the tracks. The sun is shining from behind the treetops.

Popular ski routes are:

Skiing trail around Ukko-Luosto, 18 km

• Orresokka skiing trails

Rykimäkuru skiing trail, 14 km

• Kopara skiing trails

• Skiing trail around Pyhäjärvi, 13 km

• Skiing trail around Pyhä, 31 km

• Luppo skiing trail

Skiing trail between Pyhä and Luosto 38 km/one way


Around Ukko-Luosto Cross-Country Ski Trail, 18 km, circle trail

Dry toilet for disabled symbol.

Winter trail, for cross-country skiing only, available when the ski tracks are maintained, duration 2-4 h
Intermediate trail

This nicely rolling trail circles around the fell, through the old-growth forests of Luosto and climbs Lampivaara, thus making for a high-speed descent back to the starting point.

Several pairs of skis and ski poles are leaning against a large pine with snowy forest in the background.

Starting point

Address: Luoston portti (, Luostontie, 99555 Luosto
Coordinates: WGS84 lat: 67° 09.2725' lon: 26° 54.6508' 
ETRS-TM35FIN P: 7448610m I: 496137m.

You can also set off from Luostonloma parking area ( Coordinates WGS84 lat: 67° 10.3173' lon: 26° 50.8411' ETRS-TM35FIN P: 7450557m I: 493391m. 

Hiking Structures
Tikkalaavu lean-to shelter, Ukko-Laavu lean-to shelter and Ukko-Kota Lapp ‘kota' hutLampivaara lean-to shelter (, as well as the Torvinen and Lampivaara ski trail cafés; at the rest spots, a dry toilet and a woodshed. There is an accessible toilet at Lampivaara. Take toilet paper with you.

Lampivaara Amethyst Mine, the old-growth forests of Ukko-Luosto

Trail description
Trail markings: The trail is a clear cross-country ski track, there are also wooden poles with blue-and-white walker/skier symbols as well as signposts in crossroads

Recommended direction: In most cases, the track is skied counterclockwise, but if you ski it clockwise, the section heading north from Lampivaara to the Ukko-Laavu lean-to has been given a black difficulty rating, as the descent is steep and winding.
The track can be skied in both directions, but most visitors ski counterclockwise, i.e. from Luostonportti approaching from the slopes toward Ski Café Torvisen Maja. The tracks circles around Ukko-Luosto, past the Ukko-laavu lean-to and Lampivaara on the way back to Luostonportti.

A logwood hut next to ski tracks surrounded by a forest with heavy snow.

Please note
The track is medium difficulty due to changes in elevation. There are somewhat steep downhill sections, fast curves and long uphill climbs. The track is not recommended for beginners. The skiing trail is opened as soon as there’s enough snow and it is kept open, depending on the amount of snow, until the mid-late April. Cross-country skiing trails are only for skiing, walking or biking is not allowed.


Rykimäkuru Cross-country Ski Trail, 14 km, circle trail

Dry toilet for disabled symbol.

Winter trail, for cross-country skiing only, available from week 8, when the ski trail has been opened, duration 2-4 h
Intermediate trail
Along the trail, you'll be able to enjoy the magnificent Rykimäkuru Gorge, the charming Pyhälampi day-use hut, the beautiful scenery at Lampivaara and the ease of downhill sections.

A skier on cross-country ski tracks in winter landscape.

Starting point
Rykimäkero parking place ( along the Pyhä-Luosto road (roughly 19 km from Pyhä towards Luosto, from Luosto roughly 5,5 km towards Pyhä).  
Coordinates: WGS84 lat: 67° 07.1405' lon: 26° 58.8467' 
ETRS-TM35FIN P: 7444644m I: 499169m

Hiking Structures
Rykimäkero Lapp ‘kota' hut ( and campfire site, Rykimäkuru lean-to shelter (älampi day-use hut and a lean-to shelter, as well as the Lampivaara lean-to shelter (; all rest spots have a dry toilet and a woodshed. There is an accessbile toilet at Lampivaara and Rykimäkero. Take toilet paper with you. There is a ski trail café at Lampivaara. You can take drinking water from the Rykimäkero household water well all year round.

A storage hold on a pole and a wooden storehouseLampivaara Amethyst MineRykimäkuru Gorge

Trail description
Trail markings: When the trail follows the summer trail it is marked with orange-red squares in trees. In some parts (near Rykimäkero and Pyhälampi) the trail goes slightly differently. There are signposts in crossroads.
Recommended direction: Counterclockwise, i.e. starting from the Rykimäkero parking area, head toward Lampivaara. If you ski the track in a clockwise direction, the downhill sections are steeper and one section at the end of the track has a sharp, hairpin bend.

The track starts from the Rykimäkero parking area. It passes through Lampivaara and Pyhälampi to the Rykimäkuru lean-to. From there, the track continues to the Rykimäkero Lapp kota hut and then back to the starting point.

A lapp hut in a forest with a lot of snow.

Please note
The skiing trail is maintained from week 8 and it is kept open, depending on the amount of snow, until the mid-late April. Cross-country skiing trails are only for skiing, walking or biking is not allowed.


Luosto-Pyhä Cross-Country Ski Trail, 38 km / one way

Winter trail, for cross-country skiing only, available from week 8, when the ski trail has been opened, duration 4-7 h
Intermediate – demanding 
A wonderful, longer distance cross-country ski excursion from Luosto to Pyhä that follows the line of the fell range.

Ski tracks in a winter forest with a logwood hut next to the tracks.

Starting point

Address: Luoston portti (, Luostontie, 99555 Luosto
 Coordinates: WGS84 lat: 67° 09.2725' lon: 26° 54.6508' 
ETRS-TM35FIN P: 7448610m I: 496137m

You can also start the trail from Pyhä-Luosto Visitor Centre Naava, Luontotie 1 98530 Pyhätunturi.
Koordinaatit: WGS84 lat: 67° 01.1655' lon: 27° 15.1473' 
ETRS-TM35FIN P: 7433567m I: 510998m

Hiking Structures

Huttuloma open wilderness hutHuttujärvi rental hut (Kuukkeli rental hut, slightly off the trail), Kapusta and Pyhälampi day-use huts, Porontahtoma and Lampivaara ( lean-to-shelters, Lampivaara café, Kiimaselkä day-use hut and a lean-to shelter; in all rest areas there is a dry toilet and a woodshed. Take your own toilet paper.


The old-growth forests of Ukko-Luosto, Lampivaara Amethyst Mine 

Two skiers on ski tracks with forest in the background.

Trail Description
Trail markings: The trail is a clear skiing trail, following for the most part summer trails, where you’ll find varied trail markings. There are signposts in crossroads.
Recommended direction: Most visitors run the Luosto-Pyhä track from the north to the south, i.e. from Luosto to Pyhä, due to the better scenery and more downhill sections, but the track can be skied in either direction.

The trail is usually taken from Luosto to Pyhä due to the longer downhill stretches and better scenery. The trail starts at Luostonportti for those approaching from the ski slopes and runs to Pyhä via Lampivaara, Pyhälampi, Kapusta and Huttuloma. You can take the SkiBus at the start or end of your trip, check the bus timetables (

Please Note
The skiing trail is maintained from week 8 and it is kept open, depending on the amount of snow, until the mid-late April. Cross-country skiing trails are only for skiing: walking, snowshoeing or biking is not allowed.


Snowshoeing Trails, 36 km

You can easily enjoy the peace and quietness of the National Park by snowshoeing. You can head to the woods on Tunturiaapa Nature Trail or to the snow covered forest on top of Pikku-Luosto fell. There are about 36 km of marked snowshoe trails in Pyhä-Luosto National Park and its surroundings. The marked snowshoe trails in Pyhä go along the Tunturiaapa Snowshoeing Trail (8-12 km circle trail) and outside the national park to Soutaja (6 km/one way). The trails in Luosto go to Lampivaara and back as a 10 km round trip route and as an 8 km round trip route from Luosto to Torvisen Maja café.

The trails start in Pyhä from Visitor Centre Naava and in Luosto by the skiing slopes and at Luoston portti gate close to the slopes. Please note that weather conditions may affect the condition of the trails and that they are not maintained (unless the trail is also winter biking trail). See the snowshoeing and winter biking trails in Pyhä-Luosto area on the winter trail map (, pdf).

A snowshoer at a fell slope with a lot of snow.

The snowshoeing trails are marked with blue poles, with a reflector end. You can rent snowshoes from service providers in the area.


Luosto-Torvisen Maja Snowshoeing Trail, 8 km, circle trail

Dry toilet for disabled symbol.

Winter trail, duration 2,5-3 h
Intermediate trail

The view of distant landscapes from the high fell ridges, the dwarfed old-growth pines and a welcome break in the Ukko-Luosto Scenic Hut or Torvisen Maja Café are the highlights of this trail.

A snowshoer in sunshine in a snowy landscape.

Starting Point

Address: Luoston portti (, Luostontie, 99555 Luosto
Coordinates: WGS84 lat: 67° 09.2725' lon: 26° 54.6508'
ETRS-TM35FIN N: 7448610m E: 496137m.

You can also set off from the Luostonloma parking area ( (Torvisen maja). Coordinates WGS84 lat: 67° 10.3173' lon: 26° 50.8411' ETRS-TM35FIN N: 7450557m E: 493391m.

Hiking Structures
Tikkalaavu lean-to shelter ( with a dry toilet and a woodshed; Ukko-Luosto Scenic Hut (day-use hut) with accessible vacuum toilet and a woodshed. Take toilet paper with you.

Snow-crowned trees, fell scenery through the woods, the permanent exhibition in Ukko-Luosto Scenic Hut.

A snowy forest.

Trail Description
Trail markings: blue poles with reflector ends, brown metal signposts at crossroads.
Recommended direction: Can be done both ways.

The trail starts at Luostonportti parking area, from where you first walk along the edge of the cross-country ski track, past the car park below the slopes. If you arrive with a car you can also start straight from this larger parking area. The snowshoe trail starts to rise towards Tikkalaavu at the edge of the parking lot, rising next to the holiday home area into the forest. The trail first goes past Tikkalaavu, from where it begins to climb a steep uphill to the northern ridge of Ukko-Luosto and to the impressive Ukko-Luosto Scenic Hut (Ukko-Luoston maisematupa on the maps). This highest point on the trail is a magical looking place, especially when the trees are covered in crown snow. From the hut the trail continues towards north through mesmerizing old-growth forests, eventually descending quite steeply to the cross-country ski track around Ukko-Luosto, at which point the red wooden building of Torvisen Maja Café is already in front of you. You can get back to Luosto by first returning briefly on the same trail as you have just walked on, the return trail diverges to the left after a couple of hundred meters. The return trail does not have very steep ups and downs, but travels through gently rolling old forests. After 3 kilometers it reaches Tikkalaavu lean-to-shelter and eventually the starting point of the trail.

Please Note
There are several steep places along the trail and, depending on the weather, they can be slippery. In certain winter weather, the hardened crown snow on the trees may fall - please keep this in mind when snowshoeing and do not go directly under the trees.

Lampivaara Snowshoeing Trail, 10 km, circle trail

Dry toilet for disabled symbol.

Winter trail, duration 3 h
Intermediate trail
The trail leads to the foot of the majestic Ukko-Luosto Fell and the old-growth forests around it, winding its way over the top of Pikku-Luosto Fell. At Lampivaara Amethyst mine you can, for example, dig your own amethyst.

A snowshoer in sunshine in a snowy landscape.

Starting Point

Address: Luoston portti (, Luostontie, 99555 Luosto
Coordinates: WGS84 lat: 67° 09.2725' lon: 26° 54.6508'
ETRS-TM35FIN N: 7448610m E: 496137m.

You can also set off from the Ukko-Luosto parking area ( Coordinates WGS84: lat: 67° 08.2207' lon: 26° 55.3433' ETRS-TM35FIN P: 7446656 m I: 496635 m

Hiking Structures
Lampivaara lean-to shelter (; a dry toilet and a woodshed. There is an accessbile toilet at Lampivaara. Take toilet paper with you.

Lampivaara Amethyst Mine, old-growth forest and the summit of Pikku-Luosto fell

Two persons sitting at a lean-to shelter with a campfire in front of them. Their snowshoes have been set standing on the snow.

Trail Description
Trail markings: blue poles with reflector ends, brown metal signposts at crossroads.
Recommended direction: anticlockwise

The 10 km trail starts at Luostonportti for those approaching from the ski slopes, travelling next to the Ukko-Luosto Fell. Right before the Ukko-Luosto parking the trail turns right, starting to climb towards the fell area and the forests next to Ukko-Luosto Fell. After winding its way through forests and over the near treeless peak of Pikku-Luosto the trail arrives to Lampivaara, where you can have a break at the lean-to shelter or in the Café during its opening hours. From here the return route follows near the Lampivaara service road inside the forest to the Ukko-Luosto parking area, from where you use the same trail back to Luostonportti where you came from.

If you want to make a shorter snowshoe hike you can start your journey from the Ukko-Luosto parking area. From there the round trip to Lampivaara and back to the starting point will be approx. 6 km.

A snowshoer in a snowy landscape.

Please Note

You can winter bike on sections at the start and end of the trail. Bikers are obligated to yield visitors on foot, but it is always good to take other trail users into consideration.

Tunturiaapa Nature Trail with Snowshoes, 8 km, circle trail

Dry toilet for disabled symbol.

Winter trail, duration 2 h
Easy trail (intemediate-demanding in stair sections)
Explore the diverse trail, see old-growth forests, aapa mires and the park's magnificent fell landscape.

A bird watching tower in a winter landscape with a person standing next to it with a dog on a leash.

Starting Point

Address: Naava Visitor Centre, Luontotie 1, 98530 Pyhätunturi
Coordinates: WGS84 lat: 67° 01.1655' lon: 27° 15.1473'
ETRS-TM35FIN N: 7433567m E: 510998m.

Hiking Structures
A dry toilet and a woodshed by the Tiaislaavu lean-to shelter (, A woodshed, a lean-to shelter and an accessible toilet (equipped with a vacuum tank, not a composting toilet) by the Isokuru Lapp ‘kota' hut (, Take toilet paper with you.

From Tunturiaapa Mire you can enjoy the best panorama views over the southernmost summits of the fell range.

Trail Description
Trail markings: Blue signposts and blue squares in trees, brown metal signs in cross-roads.
Recommended direction: Can be done both ways

A child and two adults are sitting by the campfire enjoying snacks, there's sausages frying.

The trail starts at Visitor Centre Naava, first following the pedestrian and bicycle road next to Pyhäntie for 600 meters in the direction of Kemijärvi. There are brown metal signs to the national park along the road. From the Kerontie crossroad, a separate trail marked with blue poles is followed for 300 meters, following the right edge of the ski track. The trail diverges from the ski track at the next junction to the right, passing through old woods deeper into the national park. When following the trail clockwise, the first stop is Tiaislaavu lean-to-shelter on the edge of a mire. The trail continues from here, circling the open mire, where in clear weather opens up the most beautiful landscape of the route. The trail continues after the mire section, winding into the forest, arriving at the mouth of Isokuru gorge. At this point, the trail descends stairs that may be covered in snow in winter (no winter maintenance). At the bottom of the gorge, the trail turns right and after 350 metres it diverges to the left up towards the forest. The path winds through a beautiful, old forest following the edge of a ridge and joins the trail leading to the Isokuru campfire hut and lean-to shelter. From this rest area the trail continues towards the ski slope area, returning downhill along the border of the national park back to the ski track section at the beginning of the trail. The trail can be walked in both directions.

Please Note
There is a staircase section along the trail which is not maintained in the winter. These stairs may be covered by snow, thus making them difficult to use.


Winter Biking Trails, 43 km

From the back of a fatbike you can admire the magnificent Pyhätunturi fell range from Tunturiaapa mire or ride down the hill from Lampivaara in Luosto. There are just over 43 km of maintained winter biking trails in and around Pyhä-Luosto National Park. Some of the trails follow National Park summer trails and some are transition trails, going along light traffic lanes or roads. The 31-33 km long Pyhä wilderness trail, runs for its first half in the middle of a cross-country ski track around the five of fells of Pyhätunturi. In addition to biking, you are also allowed to walk or snowshoe on winter biking trails, or take your pet on a leash. However, on the Pyhä wilderness trail, in addition to skiing, you are only allowed to drive a fatbike in the middle of the skiing tracks, walking or pets are not allowed on this trail. In Pyhä, the trails start from Visitor Centre Naava and go around Tunturiaapa mire past Isokuru rest area, Tiaslaavu and Porolaavu lean-to-shelters, and the Pyhä wilderness trail continues from Porolaavu towards Huttuloma open wilderness hut. In Luosto, the trails depart from Luostoportti gate near the slopes, from where the circle trail to Lampivaara starts, as well the one way trail to Tikkalaavu, from where you can also pedal around Ahvenlampi pond. If you are heading to Lampivaara, you can also make a fun, 4,2 km detour to Rykimäkero camfire hut and return the same way (starting from week 8). Luosto also has a village biking trail that goes along light traffic lanes and village roads to Orresokka and back to Luosto. Please note that although the trails are maintained, weather conditions may affect the condition of the trails, in open areas the trail may become snow-blown. More information about the winter trails in Pyhä-Luosto area from the winter trail map (, pdf)

A winter landscape from a birdwatching tower. Below two bikes leaning on wooden signs.

The winter biking trails are marked with blue signposts, with a reflector, or with blue winter biking symbols. The trails are groomed once a week with a snowmobile. The trail following a cross-country ski track, will be maintained following the ski track maintenance. Note that the winter biker should pay attention to other trail users and should yield if necessary. You can rent fatbikes from service providers in the area.

Lampivaara Winter Biking Trail, 10 km, circle trail

Dry toilet for disabled symbol.

Winter trail, duration 2,5 h
Intermediate trail

This trail leads to the foot of the majestic Ukko-Luosto Fell and up beautiful Lampivaara Hill, where you can, for example, even dig for your very own amethyst.

Four cyclists in a winter forest with trees in the background with heavy snow.

Starting Point

Address: Luoston portti (, Luostontie, 99555 Luosto
Coordinates: WGS84 lat: 67° 09.2725' lon: 26° 54.6508'
ETRS-TM35FIN N: 7448610m E: 496137m.

You can also set off from the Ukko-Luosto parking area ( Coordinates WGS84: lat: 67° 08.2207' lon: 26° 55.3433' ETRS-TM35FIN P: 7446656 m I: 496635 m

Hiking Structures
Lampivaara lean-to shelter (; a dry toilet and a woodshed. There is an accessbile toilet at Lampivaara. Take toilet paper with you.

Lampivaara Amethyst Mine

A cyclist with a mountain bike in a snowy forest

Trail Description
Trail markings: blue signposts, brown metal signposts and blue winter biking signs in cross-roads
Recommended direction: anticlockwise

The trail starts at Luostoportti, where it first follows the cross-country ski trail, in the woods on the right side of the trail. After about 300 meters, the route diverges to the right of the cross-country ski trail and begins to ascend to Ukko-Luosto fell. The trail goes right on the edge of an open fell area, then you pass a small cabin area and pedal past the Ukko-Luosto parking area. At this point, the loop section of the route begins, you cross over the cross-country ski trail and then start climbing towards Lampivaara hill. The trail winds its way on the left side of the cross-country ski trail and about 1 km after the parking area, crosses the national park boundary. The trail arrives to Lampivaara next to a lean-to shelter. The return trail goes near a maintenance road to Lampivaara in the forest, on the left side of the road, and at Ukko-Luosto parking area, the trail joins same trail as in the beginning. From Ukko-Luosto parking area, you can also make a fun, 4.2 km long detour to the Rykimäkuru campfire hut and return the using the same trail (the route opens in week 8). The recommended direction of travel on this trail is counterclockwise, the winding, uneven and steeper uphill sections are safer uphill.

Please Note
Winter bike trails are also open to hikers. and this is a popular trail, so you are likely to encounter other trail users. Because they are moving faster on the trail, bikers must yield to trail users on foot. Depending on the weather conditions, the more open sections of the trail may be blown over by snow and the trail can be difficult to navigate after snowfall.

Tunturiaapa Winter Biking Trail, 8,5 km, circle trail

Dry toilet for disabled symbol.

Winter trail, duration 2 h
Easy trail 
The length of the trail varies between 6,5-10,5 km with different options

Explore the diverse trail, see old-growth forests, aapa mires and the park's magnificent fell landscape.

Two persons smiling with their mountain bikes in a snowy landscape.

Starting Point
Address: Naava Visitor Centre, Luontotie 1, 98530 Pyhätunturi
Coordinates: WGS84 lat: 67° 01.1655' lon: 27° 15.1473'
ETRS-TM35FIN N: 7433567m E: 510998m.

Hiking Structures
Tiaislaavu ( and Porolaavu ( lean-to-shelters. Both rest areas have a woodshed and a dry toilet. Take toilet paper with you.

Tunturiaapa bird-watching tower (, from where you can enjoy the best panorama views over the southernmost summits of the fell range. Reindeer round-up site.

Trail Description
Trail markings: blue signposts, brown metal signposts and blue winter biking signs in cross-roads
Recommended direction: you can bike the trail both ways.

The trail starts at Visitor Centre Naava, first following a light traffic access road for 600 metres on the way toward Kemijärvi. From the Kerontie crossroad, the rail runs alongisde the ski track until it branches off at the next crossroad. The trail then continues to the Porolaavu lean-to via the Tiaislaavu lean-to and Tunturiaapa birdwatching tower and then returns to the starting point. The trail is marked by blue plowing markers and there are brown metal guide signs at crossroads.

 A winter biker in a winter fell landscape.

Please Note
These trails are also snowshoe trails and open to hikers, so you are likely to encounter other trail users. Because they are moving faster on the trail, bikers must yield to trail users on foot. In the winter, water may rise in mire sections, which means that sections of the trail may be covered by water, particularly in the early winter. Depending on the weather conditions, the mire sections may also be blown over by snowdrifts.

Pyhä Wilderness Trail, 31-33 km, circle trail 

Winter Biking Trail, duration 4-6 h
Intermediate / difficult (length, winter weather conditions)

Length depending on route choices approx. 31-33 km.

You can go around the five fell peaks of Pyhätunturi on this longer bike trail. Experience the atmosphere of the wilderness, see the best fell scenery in the southern part of the national park, the open space of the mires, and the forests of many ages. You can take a break in the huts along the trail, or even stay overnight in a few of them.

Talvinen suomaisema, jossa kulkee hiihtolatu. Taustalla metsää.

Starting Point

Address: Naava Visitor Centre, Luontotie 1, 98530 Pyhätunturi
Coordinates: WGS84 lat: 67° 01.1655' lon: 27° 15.1473'
ETRS-TM35FIN N: 7433567m E: 510998m.

Hiking Structures

Depending on route choices Isokuru kota-hut and lean-to-shelter, Tiaislaavu and Porolaavu lean-to-shelters, Haarainselkä and Salmiaapa day-use huts, (700 m one way to Huttujärvi rental hut) and Huttuloma open wilderness hut and cooking shelter. There are vacuum or dry toilets at the rest areas.  Take own toilet paper with you. There is no waste management in the national park, so please take your rubbish with back with you.


Panoramic views around mires towards the peaks of Pyhätunturi fells. Sympathetic huts and resting areas in the national park, the atmosphere of the wilderness and forest of different ages.

Two bikes leaning on wooden signs. A winter fell scenery in the background.

Trail Description

Trail markings: Blue signposts in the beginning, otherwise blue winter biking symbols.

Biking direction: clockwise

From Visitor Centre Naava, the trail runs first along the light traffic route for 600 meters towards Kemijärvi. At the Kerontie crossroad, drive over Kerontie and continue on the right side of the cross-country ski track, following blue signposts. The winter biking trail diverges from the next junction to the right, just after the national park boundary, passing through old woods deeper into the national park.

Depending on the route choices, the first rest area is either Isokuru kota-hut or Tiaislaavu lean-to-shelter on the edge of the mire. From Tiaslaavu you can continue past the Tunturiaapa bird watching tower through the aapa mire, or choose a shorter and more forested route towards Porolaavu lean-to-shelter. Until now, this route has also been allowed for snowshoeing and walking.

After Porolaavu lean-to-shelter, the winter biking trail runs in the middle of a cross-country ski trail for the next 17 km. On this part of the trail the nordic/classic skiers use the right and left sides of the trail, the skating track and the biking trail run in the middle. Bikers should therefore mind the skiers that use the same route. Walking or snowshoeing is not allowed on this part of the trail.

The next rest areas after Porolaavu are the Haarainselkä and Salmiaapa day-use huts, to which the route follows along the border of the national park, mostly in fairly flat terrain. Between Tiaslaavu and Salmiaapa there are forests of different ages and here and there, in the mire sections, you can see beautiful landscapes towards the fell range. After Salmiaapa, the route dives into the forest, slowly climbing towards Huttujärvi lake.

Winter mire scenery with a cross-country skiing trail. Next to the trail there is a border sign of the Pyhä-Luosto National Park and trail signs. Forest in the background.

After Huttujärvi lake, there will be a crossroad, from where you can get to Huttujärvi rental hut as a one-way trail. Note that the trail continuing from the rental hut towards Luosto is only for skiers. From the intersection of the Huttujärvi rental hut, the trail continues to ascend and after about 500 m a path diverges to the right towards the Huttuloma open wilderness hut. The path to this hut is not maintained, so it is only formed by visitors. From Huttuloma, the trail continues downhill towards Kiimaselkä, but diverges left from the cross-country ski track just after Huttujärventie parking area (not plowed in winter). The Pyhä wilderness route follows 2 km along the Huttujärventie road, which is not plowed in winter, but it is maintained for winter biking (maintenance less often than the cross-country ski track, which means that in heavy snowfall this section of the trail can become difficult to ride).

An open wilderness hut in winter weather, skis leaning on it's terrace.

Huttujärventie road ends to Pyhä-Luosto road (road number 962), and the Pyhä Wilderness Trail continues to the right, following the road for about 5 km towards Pyhä. At the intersection of Lake Pyhäjärvi, the route switches to the light traffic route, continuing along for about 4 km back to Visitor Centre Naava.

Please note

Pyhä Wilderness Trail will open in week 8 as the cross-country ski track around the fells will open. There are a lot of open mire sections along the route that can get wind-blown with snow and the trail can become very difficult to bike on and in the worst case even prevent biking. The multi-use trail sections are maintained about once a week, the cross-country ski track sections are maintained more often, depending on the weather. The final part of the trail runs along the Pyhä-Luosto road and pedestrian roads. The Pyhä Wilderness Trail runs far from services and roads maintained in the winter, so you should be well prepared and equipped. While you can also walk on other winter cycling trails, you can only cycle or ski on the cross-country ski track section of the Pyhä Wilderness Trail. Remember to also bring a paper map with you. You can check the trail maintenance situation at Pyhä-Luosto trail and ski track maintenance service (

Snowmobile Trails and Tracks

A snowmobile track called the Arctic Trail travels by Pyhä-Luosto National Park on its west side and across Keski-Luosto. There is also a snowmobile track which cuts through the national park at Lake Huttujärvi.

Snowmobile trail and track maps are available on the Metsähallitus website ( On the websites you can also find information on the permits needed to drive a snowmobile.


Skiing trail map and maintenance in Pyhä-Luosto

The cross-country ski track map and trail maintenace situation in Pyhä-Luosto can be found here at InfoGis- skiing trail maintenance system (in Finnish).

Winter trail Brochure, snowshoeing and winter biking

Pdf-file 2.1 Mb (

A hand holding a mobile phone showing Open the map of Pyhä-Luosto in

Customer service

Pyhä-Luosto Visitor Centre Naava
Tel. +358 206 39 7302