Lemmenjoki Trail Descriptions

Two hikers standing in front of an information board looking at the map of the area. Low mountain birches are growing in the background.


Starting Points

From the starting point of the routes (excursionmap.fi), the distance between the Metsähallitus parking area and the starting point of the boat transport is 1.5 km along a dirt road. Please note this if you leave the car at a different point than where you return.


Recomended Trails

Lemmenjoki Nature Trail, 4.5 km, Circle Trail

When there is no snow on the ground, travel time 2 h. An easy daytrip trail.

The Lemmenjoki nature trail leads you through the shaded hills of the old-growth pine forest in the Lemmenjokilaako river valley. A part of the route follows the zigzag of the river, at times rising to one of the eskers typical in the area. A path further from the river leads you back to the starting point.

An iron bridge over the ditch with two people walking, close up of the legs on the bridge.

Starting Point
Parking area of Metsähallitus, about 1.5 km from centre of Njurkulahti village.

Coordinates: Euref-Fin (~ WGS84) lat: 68° 45.0984' lon: 26° 13.2005' ETRS-TM35FIN N: 7626869m E: 468453m
Hiking Structures 
Campfire site at Muurahaislampi and information boards along the trail. 
Scenery from Muurahaislampi and Lemmenjoki riverside. Old pitfalls for the Wild Forest Reindeer, and esker formations typical for the rivercourse.

Route Description
Route markings: The trail is marked with green paint on trees.
Recomended heading counterclockwise.
The Lemmenjoki nature trail leads you through the shaded hills of the old-growth pine forest in the Lemmenjokilaako river valley. Less than a kilometre from the starting point, you find the Muurahaislampi camping and campfire spot. Continue a few hundred metres and you’ll be greeted with a view of the grounds of Kaapin Jouni, the old homestead of a famous Sámi family located on the other side of the Lemmenjoki River that has both cultural and historical significance. Follow the trail by the river where it climbs to the next esker and follows the ridge of the esker up and down. About 2.5 kilometres from the starting point, the rail turns east and weaves though hilly pine forest back to the start.

Lemmenjoki Goldtrail, 25 km, Circle Trail

When there is no snow on the ground, travel time 2 -3 days.

The Kultareitti Trail at Lemmenjoki goes through changing terrain, intersecting with important gold-digging areas. Information tables along the trail tell the history and geology of gold and the methods of gold digging.  The trail starts in the Lemmenjokilaakso river valley with a six-kilometre ascend to a hill called Hengenahdistusmäki (“Short-of-Breath Hill”). Before starting the hike, though, you have to catch a boat to travel the 22 kilometres to Kultahamina along the Lemmenjoki River.

Two hikers with backpacks reading an information board in a sunny forest, there is a trail sign next to the information board with the text  "Kultareitti" and "Kullan ensimmäinen löytöpaikka".

Starting Point
Kultahamina or, alternatively, Njurkulahti, in which case you have to first hike along the river to arrive at Kultahamina.
Kultahamina Coordinates: Euref-Fin (~ WGS84) lat: 68° 39.1794' lon: 25° 51.9327' ETRS-TM35FIN N:7616094m E:453916m
Parking area of Metsähallitus Coordinates: Euref-Fin (~ WGS84) lat: 68° 45.0984' lon: 26° 13.2005' ETRS-TM35FIN 7626869m E:468453m

Hiking Structures 
Campfire sites and camping areas at Kultahamina, Kapsuoja and Ravadasniemi. Mattit Ravadas day-use hut and Morgamoja Kultala open wilderness hut and rental hut, Ravadasjärvi open wilderness hut and Kullankaivajain Liitto ry:n open wilderness hut at Kultahamina. Information boards along the trail. 
Guided excursions on the Kultareitti Trail: the Lemmenjokilaakso river valley from a boat, the discovery site of the first gold, Morgamoja wing dams, the Morgamoja Kultala Hut, Pihlajamäki, the Karhu-Korhonen library, the reconstruction of Korhonen’s automated gold-digging mine in Jäkälä-äytsi, Isola (outside the marked route)

A slope already excavated with moss and sparrows, with a dark metal plate bolted to the stone. Text on the plate.

Route Description
Route markings: The trail is marked with orange paint on trees and orange wooden poles.
The trail starts at the Kultahamina Hut and ascends steeply up a hill called Hengenahdistusmäki (“Short-of-Breath Hill”). After 800 metres, the trail turns north west. For the next 800 metres, the trail follows the slope to the site of the first discovery of gold at Lemmenjoki at the Morgamoja river. From here, the path continues north and starts to rise again. After about 700 metres, the trail leads to the camping area and campfire site at Kapsuoja where it turns west and continues uphill. For a little over three kilometres, the slope of the trail is more gentle than at the start, at times dipping down to follow fell rivers, until you reach the Morgamoja Kultala Hut. After the Morgamoja Kultala Hut, the trail leads up steeply for another kilometre before the birch-covered fells turn into open fells on the Pellisenlaki summit.

Two hikers photographed from the upper slope walking a narrow gravel path. The path runs along a steep slope where pines grow, water can be seen below.

From the Pellisenlaki summit, the path runs for 8 kilometres over moderately easy open fell terrain until Pihlajamäki and from there to Jäkäläpää and the Karhu-Korhonen’s library, towards Jäkälä-äytsi. The one-kilometre section of the trail descends steeply to Jäkälä-äytsi through mountain birch forests following the old trail to Karhu-Korhonen. The ascend to the Gaskoaivi slope from the bottom of Jäkälä-äytsi is steep. The descent and ascent to and from Jäkälä-Äytsi are steep and there is rocks on the trail which makes this the most challenging part of the trail.

At the Gaskoaivi slope, the route turns north east and descends to the Mattit Ravadas day-use hut for a little less than two kilometres. The route follows the Mattit Ravadas river for 3 kilometres through moderately easy terrain on the edge of a pine forest to the campfire spot and camping area at Ravadasniemi. For the next 2 kilometres, the trail runs through hilly pine forest before descending for the last kilometre to the Ravadasjärvi Hut.

Outside of the marked attractions on the Lemmenjoki Kultareitti Trail, you can visit the grounds of Jaakko Isola Hut in Miessijoki. The hut is rented to the Gold Prospectors' Association of Finnish Lapland.
You can also start hiking the Kultareitti Trail at Lemmenjoki from the Njurkulahti village where the start of the trail follows the hiking path by the river. If you do, the starting point is a Metsähallitus parking lot, and the length of the trail is 22+25+15 km, in total about 62 km.

Other Trails

Lemmenjoki Riverside Trail, Njurkulahti - Ravadasjärvi - Kultahamina, 22 km/each way

When there is no snow on the ground, travel time 8-10 h 

The trail follows the Lemmenjoki river through rolling old-growth pine forest. This route has some level differences and includes a few steep ascends and descends. The trail first follows the southern bank of the Lemmenjoki River before crossing it to the northern side. There are cable boats for crossing at Searitniva and Härkäkoski.

Starting Point
Parking area of Metsähallitus at Njurkulahti village.

Coordinates: Euref-Fin (~ WGS84) lat: 68° 45.0984' lon: 26° 13.2005' ETRS-TM35FIN N: 7626869m E: 468453m

Hiking Structures
Campfire sites and camping areas at Muurahaislampi, south of Searitniva, Härkäjärvi, Pitkäniemi and Morgamniva. Shelter and campire site at Sotkajärvi. Day-use hut at norht of Searitniva. Open wilderness hut at Ravadasjärvi and rental hut at Härkäkoski. Cabel boats for crossing at Searitniva and Härkäkoski.

Lemmenjoki valley, Ravadsköngäs, The Grounds of Kaapin Jouni homestead and Lemmenjoki’s Deer Pits

Route Description
Route markings: oranges paint on trees.
The trail starts in Njurkulahti from a Metsähallitus parking lot and follows the Lemmenjoki river through old-growth pine forest. This route has some level differences and includes a few steep ascends and descends. The route mainly runs through dry coniferous forest, although there are also some wetlands on the way. Use a cable boat to cross the river at Searitniva or Härkäkoski; the route continues in similar terrain on the other side. From Härkäkoski, the trail takes you to the Ravadasjärvi wilderness hut.

The trail length from Njurkulahti to Ravadasjärvi is about 15 km. From Ravadasjärvi, the trail first leads you to the beautiful Ravadasköngäs waterfall, and after six more kilometres you arrive at the Kultahamina Hut. The length of the trail between Njurkulahti and Kultahamina is 22 km one-way.   

Please Note
Boat transportation between Njurkulahti - Ravadasjärvi - Ravadasköngäs - Kultahamina (PDF, 77kt)
You can easily combine the hiking path by the Lemmenjoki River with other trails in the area.

The Joenkielinen Loop, 16 km, Circle Trail

When there is no snow on the ground, travel time 8-9 h.

The trail starts at Njurkulahti towards Joenkielinen Fell, at 534 meters high. There on the top you get a great scenery over Lemmenjoki National Park and Hammastunturi wilderness area.

Starting Point
Parking area of Metsähallitus at Njurkulahti village.

Coordinates: Euref-Fin (~ WGS84) lat: 68° 45.0984' lon: 26° 13.2005' ETRS-TM35FIN N: 7626869m E: 468453m

Hiking Structures
Campfire site and shelter at Juurakko-oja and stairs of steel at Sotkajärvi. Campfire sites and camping areas at Muurahaislampi and Sotkajärvi.

Joenkielinen fell and scenery from there 

Route Description
Route markings: oranges paint on trees and rocks.
There might be wet patches along the trail, so water-resistant shoes will be necessary. The Joenkielinen Loop begins in Njurkulahti at the Metsähallitus parking area. When hiking clockwise, the trail climbs for the first 6 kilometres up the slope to the Juurakko-oja shelter. After the shelter, a steep, 1.5-kilometre climb leads to the summit of the Joenkielinen fell, where you can admire the views of the Lemmenjoki National Park and the Hammastunturi Wilderness Area. From the fell summit, a steep slope descends to the riverside hiking trail. The change in elevation is 300 metres in 3 kilometres. When joining the riverside trail, turn to the right towards Njurgulahti. The last 5 kilometres of the trail passes through old-growth pine forest. 

Ravadasjärvi - Morgamojan Kultala - Kultasatama - Ravadasjärvi, 26.5 km, Circle Trail

When there is no snow on the ground, travel time 2 days.

The trail starts at lake Ravadasjärvi and continues via Gaskoaivi to Kultala by Morgamoja Brook, which is the 1940s-50s  the center of the gold diggers of Lemmenjoki. From Kultala the trail returns via Kultasatama (Kultahamina) and Ravadasköngäs Waterfall back to Lake Ravadasjärvi.

A man and a woman walking along the slope of an esker. The esker is covered in pine and birch.

Starting Point
Ravadasjärvi, where you can hike or take a boat transportation
Coordinates: Euref-Fin (~ WGS84) lat: 68° 51.3950' lon: 27° 7.5930' ETRS-TM35FIN: N: 7638404 E: 505075.

Hiking Structures
Campfire sites and camping areas at Kultahamina, Kapsuoja and Ravadasniemi.  Day-use hut at Mattit Ravadas. Open wilderness hut at Ravadasjärvi and Kultala by Morgamoja Brook open wilderness hut and rental hut. Kullankaivajain Liitto ry:n open wilderness hut at Kultahamina. Information boards along the trail. 

Lemmenjoki River Valley, Ravadsköngäs Waterfall , the Gold Area and Kultala by Morgamoja Brook.

Route Description
Route marknings: orange paint on trees and orange wooden poles.
The trail starts from Ravadasjärvi heading west and leads up for a one kilometer. The trail runs through pine forest for 2 km to camping site and campfire site at Ravadasniemi spit. Then it countinues 3 km along Mattit Ravadas -riverside moderately easy terrain to Mattit Ravadas day-use hut. Next the path leads up into open fells and runs 6.5 kilometers via Gaskoaivi fell to the Pellisenlaki summit.

From the Pellisenlaki summit starts 1.5 kilometers steep and with loose rocks ascend to the Morgamoja Kultala open wilderness - and reservable Hut. From the Morgamoja Kultala Hut the trail acent over moderately easy terrain for next 4 kilometers towards Lemmenjoki valley. The last kilometer before Kultahamina is steep ascend. From Kultahamina the trail follws the Lemmenjoki riverside via Ravadasköngäs waterfall and returns to Ravadasjärvi lake. This section  of the trail has level differences and includes descends and ascends. 

Wooden stairs rise up the slope in the middle of a pine forest. At the lower end of the stairs is a cloak with a picture of the tent and an arrow pointing up. On the left are route signs with the text Gold Route at the top.

The Lemmenjoki Kultareitti Trail partly follows the same route.
This circular trail can be combined with Njurkulahti - Ravadasköngäs Trail and/or take the boat ride either at the beginning or the end of the hike. Boat transportation between Njurkulahti - Ravadasjärvi - Ravadasköngäs - Kultahamina (PDF, 106 kt)

The Sallivaaranpolku Trail, 6 km / each way

When there is no snow on the ground, travel time 4 h.

The Sallivaaranpolku Trail leads you to a historical reindeer round-up site at Sallivaara where you can see old round-up huts and a renovated round-up paddock that isn’t in use any more.

A tall fence construction made of grey logs thick as an arm. Grass and a few birch trees grow on the inside of the fence.

Starting Point
Parking area in Repojoki, Inari-Kittilä roadside. Address: Kittiläntie 7426, Inari.

Coordinates: Euref-Fin (~ WGS84) lat: 68° 27.0017' lon: 25° 57.2897' ETRS-TM35FIN P: 7593403m I: 457158m

Hiking Structures
Sallivaara information hut and open wilderness hut, so called AT- duckboards.

Sallivaara Reindeer Round-up Site and Sallivaara fell.

Trail Description
The route goes along alternating forest and wetlands. 
The Sallivaaranpolku Trail leads you from Repojoki, the highway between Inari and Kittilä, towards the reindeer round-up site at Sallivaara. The terrain is even with no significant level changes. The wetland part of the path is covered in duckboards for maintenance although water may sometimes rise up to the boards. Return from Sallivaara along the same route.

Rubber boots are good choice, trail runs partly on a wetlands.


Njurkulahti - Morgamoja Skiing Trail, 27.5 km / each way

Travel time 2-3 days.

In winter, a maintenance route is marked from Njurkulahti to Kultahamina Hut along the river valley that cross-country skiers can also use.

A man pulling a sled is skiing along a snowmobile trail towards the photographer in a sunny pine forest. In the foreground the rear of another sled is visible.

Starting Point
Parking area of Metsähallitus at Njurkulahti village.

Coordinates: Euref-Fin (~ WGS84) lat: 68° 45.0984' lon: 26° 13.2005' ETRS-TM35FIN N: 7626869m E: 468453m

Hiking Structures
Lean-to shelter at Sotkajärvi, day-use hut north of Searitniva. open wilderness huts at Ravadasjärvi, at Kultala by Morgamoja Brook and at Kultasatama and Rental huts at Härkäkoski and Kultala by Morgamoja Brook. Lapin Kullankaivajain Liitto's open wilderness hut at Kultahamina.

Lemmenjoki River Valley, Ravadasköngäs Waterfall, the Grounds of Kaapin Jouni homestead and Kultala by Morgamoja Brook.

Route Description
Route marknings: blue sticks partly on the ice of the river and partly along the riverside. From Kultasatama to Morgamoja the trailmarks are on the trees painted with orange.
In winter, a maintenance route is marked from Njurkulahti to Kultahamina along the river valley that cross-country skiers can also use. The distance between Njurkulahti and the Sotkajärvi half-lean-to is 5 km, and from there to the Searitniva day-use hut it is less than 4 km. The distance between Searitniva and the Härkäkoski rental hut is 4.5 km. The route continues for 2 km to the Ravadasjärvi wilderness hut. The leg between Ravadasjärvi and Kultahamina is 7 km. From Kultahamina, the route ascends steeply, and the trail length to Morgamoja Kultala Hut is 5 km.

On the trail there is no maintenance. 

Joenkielinen Skiing Trail, 8 km / each way

Travel time 2 h

Cross-country skiers can also utilise the maintenance route from Njurkulahti to Joenkielinen made by snowmobiles. It is not marked, but the summer trail follows the same route and its marks can be seen.

A woman and two boys are snowshoeing along a trail. They are laughing and walking towards the photographer.

Starting Point
Parking area of Metsähallitus at Njurkulahti village.

Coordinates: Euref-Fin (~ WGS84) lat: 68° 45.0984' lon: 26° 13.2005' ETRS-TM35FIN N: 7626869m E: 468453m

Hiking Structures
Lean-to shelter at Juurakko-oja river.

Joenkielinen fell and scenery from there.

Route Description
Cross-country skiers can also utilise the maintenance route from Njurkulahti to Joenkielinen made by snowmobiles. The trail runs uphill for its whole length of 8 kilometres to the summit of the Joenkielinen fell. Take the same trail downhill to return.

Trail is not marked.

Canoeing Route

Lemmenjoki canoe Trails, Njurkulahti - Kultasatama, 20 km or Njurkulahti - Solojärvi, 40 km / each way

A calm waterway bordered by dense forest on both sides. A treeless fell rises further back in the picture. The bow of a red canoe can be seen in the foreground.

Starting Point
Njurkulahti village, Juurakko-oja public jetty, address: Lemmenjoentie road 970, Inari. From there turn right and drive about 250 meters and before wooden fence turn left towards shore and jetty.

Coordinates: Euref-Fin (~ WGS84) lat:  68.76379 °  lon: 26.23755 °  ETRS-TM35FIN N: 7628215m E: 469180m

Route Description
From Njurkulahti it is possible to canoe up or down the river.
Njurkulahti - Kultahamina route uses also the regular river boat service.
From Njurkulahti you can also canoe to Lake Paadarjärvi in north-east, from where you can continue to Lake Solojärvi, west of Juutuanjoki River, where you can end your trip at the boat launch place. This route is about 40 km long, and reasonably easy. Alternatively you can continue from Lake Paadarjärvi on the quiet Kettujoki River to Lake Muddusjärvi.

Along Juutuanjoki River it is possible to canoe to the municipality centre of Inari, but this requires experience in canoeing of rapids, and at least on Jäniskoski canoes need to be carried past the rapids. 
More about Lemmenjoki -river route.

Canoes and kayaks can be rented from the local enterprises in Lemmenjoki.

Four canoes floating on a calm river. There are two paddlers in each canoe. There are short and twisted birch trees growing on the riverbank in the background.

Mountain Biking

In Lemmenjoki national park it is allowed to bike on marked trails. In practice there is very little bikers around, because of the unfitness of the trails for biking. Trails are stony and full of roots of trees, or in some other way unsuitabel.

A photograph of a rocky fell heath taken slightly from above. A hiking trail winds down the fell slope, snowmobile trail markings can be seen next to the trail. In the background a fell landscape opens up and rain showers can be seen between the fell tops.