Starting Points and Parking Areas for Summer Trails

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The national park's most extensive network of summer trails zigzags in the Syöte area. The trails have been marked with yellow paint signs on trees.

Korpikolvan polku, 500 m, Circle Trail

Available all year round. No winter maintenance.
Travel time 30 min. 
Category: Easy trail. Easy Easy accessible trail. Accessible nature trail

The Korpikolvan polku Nature Trail provides you with an insight into the life of non-migrant birds and their relation to the surrounding area.

A woman picking berries into a small plastic box.

Starting point
Syöte Visitor Centre, Erätie 1, 93280 Syöte, Pudasjärvi (

Trail Description
The trail starts and ends by Syöte Visitor Centre and runs through an old-growth forest in the surrounding area. The nature trail is available all year round, and in the summer it is accessible by pram or by wheelchair with an assistant.

Hiking Structures
Lean-to shelter.

Pikku-Syöte Nature Trail, 1,8 km, Circle Trail

Available all year round. In summer as a hiking trail and in winter as snow shoe trail. No winter maintenance.
Travel time 1 h. 
Category:  Intermediate

Pikku-Syöte nature trail weaves around the top of Pikku-Syöte fell. The viewpoints at the trail offer you spectacular views of the Syöte region. In wintertime you can see beautiful crown snow-loaded trees. The trail can be easily accessed by car.

A wide view of a forested landscape.

Starting point
Ski resort Pikku-Syöte, Syötekeskuksentie 126, 93280 Syöte (

Vattukuru Nature Trail, 2,1 km, Circle Trail

Available all year round. In summer as a hiking trail and in winter as snow shoe trail. No winter maintenance.
Travel time 2 - 3 h.
Category: Intermediate trail. Intermediate

Vattukuru Nature Trail presents you the life, plants and animals in an old-growth forest. Along the fairly short nature trail, you will see a large variety of natural elements, such as a slope bog, lush stream banks and spruce forests. Tips for hikers: there are Siberian flying squirrels in Vattukuru Ravine.

A day hiker admiring Vattukuru ravine in summertime.

Starting point
Vattukuru parking area, Syötekyläntie 1638, Pudasjärvi (

Open Vattukuru Nature Trail brochure (pdf 0.7 MB,

Naavaparta Trail, 3 km, Circle Trail

Available all year round. No winter maintenance.
Travel time 1 - 2 h.
Category: Easy trail. Easy

What is a Pytho kolwensis? How far can a Siberian flying squirrel glide? And what are beard lichen and Alectoria? You will find answers to these questions by hiking along the Naavaparran polku Trail. The gravel trail will introduce trekkers of all ages to the secrets of Syöte.

Hikers on the Naavaparta trail, seen from below.

Starting point
Syöte Visitor Centre, Erätie 1,  93280 Syöte, Pudasjärvi (

Open Naavaparta Trail brochure (pdf 1.5 MB,

Teerivaaran kierros, 4,5 km, Circle Trail

Available all year round. No winter maintenance.
Travel time 3 - 4 h.
Category: Demanding trail. Demanding

The challenging climb to the top of Teerivaara Hill is well worth it, as you'll be treated with magnificent views! Teerivaaran kierros is a perfect destionation for a daytrip with a rest stop at the southern hilltop and peaceful wilderness just a few kilometres from the tourism centre. 

A woman admiring a forest view from Teerivaara hill.

Starting point
Syöte Visitor Centre, Erätie 1,  93280 Syöte, Pudasjärvi (

Open Teerivaara trail brochure (pdf 1.2 MB,

Huippupolku, 1 km, Circle Trail

Available when the ground is unfrozen. No winter maintenance.
Travel time 30 min.
Category: Intermediate trail. Intermediate

Explore the natural world of Finland's southernmost fell along a guided nature trail on the summit of Iso-Syöte Fell. The summit offers splendid views to Syöte National Park.

A hiker with a dog admiring the view from the Huippupolku observation tower.

Starting point
Iso-Syöte Hotel's parking area, Isosyötteentie 246, 93280 Syöte (

Open Huippupolku trail brochure (pdf 1 MB,

Kellarilampi Nature Trail, 500m each way

Available when the ground is unfrozen. No winter maintenance.
Travel time 30 min.
Category: Easy trail. Easy Easy accessible trail. Accessible nature trail

A lean-to shelter by Kellarilampi pond is an easily accessible destination. Take fishing gear with you as Kellarilampi is famous for its catches. The handsome Pytkynharju Esker rises right behind the lean-to shelter and climbing onto its crest is worth all the effort.

A wide gravel trail running through a forest.

Starting point
Rytinkisalmentie 1834, Pudasjärvi (

Pytkyn pyrähdys, 9 km, Circle Trail

Available when the ground is unfrozen. No winter maintenance.
Travel time 4 - 5 h.
Category: Intermediate trail. Intermediate

Eskers created by the Ice Age, old spruce forests and ponds abundant with fish; that's what the trail is made of. The versatile trail boasts three excellent rest spots and a large variety of natural wonders.

A ridge in springtime. There is some snow on the ground and the sun is shining.

Starting point
Rytinkisalmentie 1834, Pudasjärvi (

Open Pytkyn pyrähdys trail brochure (pdf 2.2 MB,

Pyhitys, 2 km each way

Available when the ground is unfrozen. No winter maintenance.
Travel time 2 h.
Category: Intermediate trail. Intermediate

From the top of the highest wooded hill in Syöte National Park, magnificent views open out to the wilderness and Lake Kostonjärvi. On hill slopes, you will see rocks that were used as tables by Sámi people. Thousands of years ago, they asked for better luck in hunting and fishing by sacrificing some bounty of the forest and the lake to the gods.

A view from the top of Pyhitys fell in early autumn. A hiker is sitting with her two dogs and watching the view.

Starting point
Ahmaselkosentie 212, Taivalkoski (

Soiperoinen Path, 5 km, Circle Trail

Available when the ground is unfrozen. No winter maintenance.
Travel time 2 h.
Category: Intermediate trail. Intermediate

Soiperoinen is a pleasant destination an hour's drive away from Syöte. The crystal-clear lakes and the landscape that ranges from pine heaths to high eskers inspire you to take your time and enjoy the scenery in peace. There are rest spots at suitable intervals in the area.

A day hiker walking on duckboard with his two small dogs.

Starting point
Soiperoisentie 57-59, Taivalkoski (

Open Soiperoinen Path brochure (pdf 2.4 MB,

Rytivaara Circular Trail, 10 km, Circle Trail

Available in summer as a hiking trail. No winter maintenance.
Travel time 4 h.
Category: Intermediate trail. Intermediate

It is worthwhile to drive for half an hour from Syöte to Rytivaaran kierros Trail! The trail provides you with a versatile overview to the natural world and history of Syöte National Park. In the southwestern section of the trail, you will walk in the footsteps of a tenant farmer, guided by special information boards. You will gain an insight into slash and burn, the meadow culture, as well as the old hunting and fishing traditions.

A yard and a meadow of an old tenant farm. There are sheep and a woman taking care of them.

Starting point
Ukonvaara parking area, Karsikkoperäntie 1591, about 17 km from Iso-Syöte Road (No. 858) (

Open Rytivaara Circular Trail brochure (pdf 1.5 MB,

Syöte Circular Trail, 19 km, Circle Trail

Available when the ground is unfrozen. No winter maintenance.
Travel time 1 day.
Category: Intermediate trail. Intermediate

Along the Syötteen kierros Trail, you will be able to enjoy peaceful spruce forests, spacious mires and the handsome Pytkynharju Esker. Along the trail, you can take a break at Kellarilampi lean-to shelter and at Annintupa Day-use Hut. It is practical to set off for the trail from Syöte Visitor Centre.

Two hikers on a trail crossing a meadow, with coniferous forest in the background.

Starting point
Syöte Visitor Centre, Erätie 1, 93280 Syöte, Pudasjärvi (, or Romekievarintie 1, 93280 Syöte .  

Open Syöte Circular Trail brochure (pdf 5.1 MB,

Ahmankierros Trail, 17 km, Circle Trail

Available in summer as a hiking trail. No winter maintenance.
Travel time 6 - 8 h.
Category: Intermediate trail. Intermediate

Ahmankierros is an ideal day trip trail, but you can also stay overnight at the comfortable Ahmatupa Hut. The trail runs from aapa bogs to dense spruce forests and to lush edges of slope bogs. There are several day-use huts along the trail for taking a break.

A view of the forests and fells seen from Ahmankierros trail.

Starting point
Syöte Visitor Centre, Erätie 1, 93280 Syöte, Pudasjärvi (

Open Ahmankierros brochure (pdf 2.8 Mb,

Tenant Farmer's Trail, 33 km each way

Available in summer as a hiking trail. No winter maintenance.
Travel time 3 days.
Category: Demanding trail. Demaning

Torpparintaival Trail is a suitable weekend destination, and it is a window to the history of versatile land use in the area. You will gain an insight into slash and burn, the meadow culture, as well as the old hunting and fishing traditions. Along the trail, you will explore gorgeous spruce forests and climb onto Ahmakallio, where you will see the national park's most beautiful views. Along the trail, you will find open wilderness huts where it is pleasant to have a sauna and stay overnight.

A hiker posing on duckboards passing through a bog.

Starting point
Ukonvaara parking area, Karsikkoperäntie 1591, about 17 km from Iso-Syöte Road (No. 858) (

Tenant Farmer's Trail brochure (pdf 0.9 Mb,

Kaunislampi Trail, 6,5 km, Circle Trail

Available in summer as a hiking trail. No winter maintenance.
Travel time 2,5-4 h.
Category:  Intermediate

Kaunislampi translates to "a beautiful pond". And beautiful it is. This incredible gorge pond is located in a separate conservation area outside the National Park. The starting point of the trail is a 35 km northbound drive away from the Visitor Centre.

A gorge pond in an early autumn weather.

Starting point
Ruuhensuontie 1201, 93250 Pudasjärvi (

Parking Areas

Syötteen luontokeskus
Erätie 1, 93280 Syöte

Rytinkisalmentie 1834, Pudasjärvi

Hotelli Iso-Syöte
Isosyötteentie 246, 93280 Syöte

Vaarakyläntie 235-241, Taivalkoski

Vattukuru parking area
Syötekyläntie 1638, Pudasjärvi

Soiperoisentie 57-59, Taivalkoski

Ukonvaara parking area
Karsikkoperäntie 1591

Roninkankaantie 6, 93250 Pudasjärvi


Check for Warnings

When wildfire warnings ( are in effect, fire is only allowed at covered campfire sites that have a flue. A fire can be also lit in fireplaces at wilderness and other huts. Always use extreme caution when handling fire. The one who lights a fire is always responsible for its safe use. Please note, that making fire at these campfire sites can be banned locally. 

Drawing of a fireplace. The drawing shows the roof, the flue and off the ground.