Customer Service and Guidance

Services offered by enterprises and other organisations in Korouoma nature Reserve

Following enterprises and other organisations offer services in the nature reserve. They have a cooperation agreement with Metsähallitus and they follow the principles of sustainable nature tourism when operating in national park.

A wooden bridge with handrails. A dense forest grows in the surroundings. There is a person walking a small dog on the other side of the bridge.

Meals, Where to Buy and Prepare


Fireplaces, Huts and Lean-to Shelters

  • Places where you can prepare food in the area are Kuulea day trip hut, Pajupuro open wilderness hut and 8 lean-to shelters and campfire sites.
    • Making open fires is always prohibited at both marked campfire sites and when fires are permitted by the land owner if a forest fire warning has been issued for the area (
    • This prohibition does not apply to cooking shelters or other fireplaces with a flue.

A tall roof with the shape of a lean-to shelter in a snowy landscape. There are people having their packed lunch under the roof. A campfire is burning in the firepit in front.

Drinking Water

  • Waters in lakes, rivers and brooks should be boiled before it is drunk, as the quality of water differs from one area to another.
  • Drinking water from the parks water-system is at each person's own risk.
  • More information on Food and Drink.

Waste Management

  • In Korouoma Nature Reserve each visitor is responsible for the waste that accumulates during his/her stay. Biodegradable waste should be placed in a dry toilet or composter, and small amounts of clean paper and cardboard can be used as kindling in a campfire. Read more about Hiking without littering.

Dry toilets

  • There is a dry toilet at each wilderness hut and campfire site.
  • There is no toilet paper in dry toilets so take enough toilet paper with you.

Overnight Stays

Open Wilderness Hut

Rental Huts

Lodging in the Surrounding Area

Other Services in the Surrounding Area

Check for Warnings

When forest and grass fire warnings ( are in effect, fire is only allowed at covered campfire sites that have a flue. A fire can be also lit in fireplaces at wilderness and other huts. Always use extreme caution when handling fire. The one who lights a fire is always responsible for its safe use. Please note, that making fire at these campfire sites can be banned locally. 

Gathering at the campfire sites increases the risk of coronavirus infection. Guidelines concerning coronavirus COVID-19