Uddskatan Nature Reserve   

Summer landscape.

Southern Finland, Uusimaa
Land area: 32 ha; Sea area: 153 ha; Founded: 1990

In the Uddskatan Nature Reserve you can experience maritime nature, gaze at the horizon across the Gulf of Finland and follow the Salpausselkä esker ridge until it dives into the sea. Here you’ll be able to see clear traces of the Ice Age, such as rock and sand beaches and smooth rock faces.

The tip of the Hankoniemi peninsula is a sanctuary for many endangered species and a rest stop for birds. Indeed, the area offers outstanding opportunities for birdwatching and study.

Visitors to the Uddskatan Nature Reserve must always stay on the marked nature path.

The Uddskata and Tulliniemi (in Swedish) area is the southernmost point of mainland Finland. The Uddskatan coastal watershed and its shoreline areas were protected as a valuable bird reserve in 1933. The current Uddskatan Nature Reserve was founded in 1990 and is part of the Tulliniemi bird conservation area (environment.fi) in the Finnish Natura 2000 network. Particularly unique are the meadow and sand species in the area, whose protection is promoted through several different measures.

The area is managed by Metsähallitus, Parks & Wildlife Finland.

This is the web page nationalparks.fi/uddskatan

Customer service

Finnish Nature Centre Haltia, tel. +358 40 163 6200, info(at)haltia.com

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