A hand holding a mobile phone showing Excursionmap.fi. Open the map of Koli National Park in Excursionmap.fi.

Excursionmap.fi is a free map service provided by Metsähallitus. It can be used to search destinations, choose map layers and print maps.

Printed Maps

  • Pohjois-Karjala (North Karelia Region), water resistant map, 1:25 000, Calazo 2021.
  • Koli Ruunaa Patvinsuo Petkeljärvi, water resistant outdoor map 1:25 000, Karttakeskus 2020.
  • Kolin retkeily- ja palvelukartta: Koli service and trail map, 1:50 000 and 1:20 000, 2016. The map is sold by Koli Nature Centre Ukko, Koli Sale and Koli Tourist Information.
  • Kolin latukartta: Koli skiing trail map, 1:70 000. The map is sold by Koli Nature Centre Ukko, Koli Tourist Information and Break Sokos Hotel Koli.
  • Koli: geologinen retkeilykartta ja opaskirja: Koli geological hiking map and guidebook (in Finnish), 1:20 000, Geological Survey of Finland 2003. The map is sold by Koli Nature Centre Ukko and the Geological Survey of Finland salespoints.
  • Maastokartat: Terrain maps P534 and P532, 1:50 000, Maanmittauslaitos 2013.
  • Maastokartat: Terrain maps 4313 08, 4313 09, 4313 10, 4313 11 and 4313 12, 1:20 000, Maanmittauslaitos.
  • Retkeily GT Itä-Suomi: GT Outdoor map Finland East, 2022, 1:250 000, Karttakeskus 2022.