Customer Service and Guidance

    • Guidance, information, maps, publications, fishing and hunting permits, and snow mobile track permits for the area.
    • The exhibitions of the nature centre and the Sámi museum, and the collections and services of the museum.

Services Offered by Enterprises and Other Organisations in Vätsäri Wilderness Area

Meals, Where to Buy and Prepare

Campfire Sites

  • There are maintained campfire sites at Lake Inarijärvi by the open wilderness huts of Suolistaival and Pisteriniemi, and at Lake Nammijärvi by the open wilderness hut of Piilola.
  • On state-owned lands in the Northern Lapland, it is allowed to use branches and sticks from the ground for making a campfire. To take and use fallen trees of little value from the ground, you need a permit. This permit can be obtained from Siida - Northern Lapland Nature Centre. It is recommended to use a campfire place which has been previously used, if you find one.
  • Please note that lighting campires is forbidden also at the constructed campfire places if the forest fire warning is in effect. However, it is allowed to use a camping cooker.
    • This prohibition does not apply to cooking shelters or other fireplaces with a flue.

Drinking Water

  • Water in the area is normally suitable for drinking, although it is at the hiker own risk to drink it without boiling or filtering. Usually running water is better for drinking than still water. It is not wise to drink out of small still water ponds. It is recommended to boil or filter the water, if you cannot be sure how clean it is.

Waste Management

  • Measures should be taken in advance to avoid taking unnecessary waste into the area. Take all the waste that accumulates during your trip out of the area for recycling. However, there are waste bins at the huts.
  • Biodegradable waste should be placed in a toilet or composter, and small amounts of clean paper and cardboard can be used as kindling in a campfire.
  • Read more about Hiking without Littering.


  • There are dry toilets at the open wilderness huts.

Overnight Stays


Open Wilderness Huts

There are four open wilderness huts in the wilderness area. In open wilderness huts, it is possible to stay over a night or two.

  • Pisteriniemi open wilderness hut. The hut is located in the northern part of Lake Inarijärvi, on the nothern shore of Cape Pisteriniemi. A snowmobile track goes past the hut.
  • Suolistaipale open wilderness hut. The hut is located on the isthmus between Lake Suolisjärvi (Tsuolisjavri) and the end of Suolisvuono Fjord (Tsuolisvuona) which projects northeast of the Lake Inarijärvi. A snow mobile track goes past the hut.
  • Rajapää open wilderness hut. The hut is open 1.6. - 30.9 and it is located on the fell highland of Vätsäri, on the western side of Rajapää Fell.
  • Piilola open wilderness hut. The hut is located on the eastern shore of Lake Nammijärvi.

Rental Huts

Lodging in the Surrounding Area

  • There are cottages and camping grounds in Nellim, Partakko, Jorvapuolijärvi, Sevettijärvi and Näätämö. More information (


  • The hiker is free to choose his own camping place in the wilderness, according to the Everyman's right ( At Lake Inarijärvi, there are maintained campfire sites by the open wilderness huts. There are also covered campfire sites on Suovasaari Island, at Tyllylahti Bay and at Pielpavuono Fjord. Uncovered campfire sites are located at the ice cave of Iso-Maura and in front of Cape Veskoniemi on Palosaari Island.

Open Wilderness Huts

There are five open wilderness huts around Lake Inarijärvi, where it is possible to stay over a night or two.

A log cabin, there are seven backpacks on the porch and a hiker is sitting next to them. There is an information board on the cabin wall and above that the text PIILOLA is made of branches.

Equipment Rental

Accessible Services

Services for Boaters

  • Boat channels are marked. Lake Inarijärvi boating map 1:50 000.
  • There are boat harbours in Inari, Veskoniemi and Nellim.
  • Boat launch places are located at Ivalo, Veskoniemi, Nanguniemi, Nellim, Ukonjärvi, Inari, Partakko and Nitsijärvi.

Other Services in the Surrounding Area

  • The nearest banks, a post office, a pharmacy, a health centre, garages and shops are in Ivalo (
  • In the villages of Inari, Sevettijärvi and Kaamanen, there are village shops and restaurant services, in Nellim there is a restaurant/hotell.
  • The petrol station is in Näätämö.

Check for Warnings

When forest and grass fire warnings ( are in effect, fire is only allowed at covered campfire sites that have a flue. A fire can be also lit in fireplaces at wilderness and other huts. Always use extreme caution when handling fire. The one who lights a fire is always responsible for its safe use. Please note, that making fire at these campfire sites can be banned locally. 

Gathering at the campfire sites increases the risk of coronavirus infection. Guidelines concerning coronavirus COVID-19