Hepoköngäs Nature Reserve Directions and Maps

Hepoköngäs is located on the eastern side of road 78, approximately 15 kilometres towards Hyrynsalmi from Puolanka centre.


By Car

  • From Puolanka centre drive road 78 Paltamontie five kilometres towards south-east and turn to left to the road 891 (Hyrynsalmentie). Drive 7 km, turn right to the road 8912 (Hepokönkääntie) and follow the signposts. From the intersection it is about 2 km to the area.
  • From main road 5 (E63) turn towards Hyrynsalmi, drive through the centre of the village and continue along road 891 (Hyrynsalmentie) for 39 km. Then turn left tot the road 8912 (Hepokönkääntie) and follow the signposts. From the intersection it is about 2 km to the area.
  • From Suomussalmi (Ämmänsaari) turn west onto road 892 (Kyröntie) and continue for 35 km. At Kytömäki turn right onto road 891 (Hyrynsalmentie) and continue northwest for 19 km. Then turn left to the road 8912 (Hepokönkääntie) and follow the signposts. From the intersection it is about 2 km to the area.
  • During winter the road leading to Hepoköngäs Waterfall is kept clear of snow up to the parking area.

By Public Transportation

  • From Kajaani to Puolanka travel a few coachies. From Puolanka it is 16 km to Hepoköngäs.
  • A few coaches travel between Oulu - Suomussalmi (Ämmänsaari). Coaches travel along road 891 and pass the intersection of the road leading to Hepoköngäs. From the intersection it is 2 km to Hepoköngäs.
  • One coach travels daily back and forth between Suomussalmi and Puolanka on weekdays. From Puolanka it is 16 km to the area.
  • Additionally on weekdays a coach travels between Puolanka and Taivalkoski.
  • Timetables of Matkahuolto (matkahuolto.fi).

Starting Points for Excursions


Other Maps

  • Basic map 3444 01 Hepoköngäs, 1:20 000.
  • Terrain map 3444 Lylykylä, 1:50 000.
  • Terrain map R512 Puokio, 1:50 000.
  • UKK-hiking trail "Tonkohuikonen" Puolanka map, 1:200 000. Karttakeskus 2002.
  • Köngäskierros Circle Trail map, 1:50 000. Municipalities of Hyrynsalmi and Puolanka, Metsähallitus, the Forest Research Institute and Kainuu regional environment centre, 2002.
  • GT tiekartta Itä-Suomi: GT Roadmap Finland East, 2010, 1:250 000.

Hepoköngäs Brochure

Pdf 4.4 Mb (julkaisut.metsa.fi)

A bilingual, Finnish-English version (Pdf 2.4 MB, publications.metsa.fi) of the Hepoköngäs brochure has also been made.

A hand holding a mobile phone showing Excursionmap.fi. Open the map of Hepoköngäs in Excursionmap.fi.

Excursionmap.fi is a free map service provided by Metsähallitus. It can be used to search destinations, choose map layers and print maps.

Excursionmap.fi is a free map service provided by Metsähallitus. It can be used to search destinations, choose map layers and print maps.

Parking Areas

Hepokongäs parking area

  • Hepokönkääntie 22, Puolanka