Customer Service and Guidance

  • Kvarken Customer Service
    Telephone: +358 50 346 6200
    E-post: info(at)
  • World Heritage Gateway​​ offers information on the World Heritage of Kvarken Archipelahgo. In this information point next to the Bridge of Replot (Raippaluoto) you will get information about the sights of the area, different hiking trails as well as diverse cruises and treks held during the summer. You will also receive information about the upcoming events in the area.
    Address: World Heritage Gateway, Replotvägen 2, 65800 Korsholm 
    (Raippaluodontie 2  65800 Mustasaari), Finland

World Heritage Gateway map

  • Ostrobothnian museum Terranova ( exhibition traces the earth's development, placing emphasis on the Ice Age and the land uplift phenomenon which has formed the natural environment in the Kvarken region.


Services Offered by Enterprises and Organisations in the Nature Reserve

Meals, Where to Buy and Prepare

Shops and Restaurants

  • There are shops and restaurants in the centres of the municipalities in Kvarken Archipelago.
  • There are shops, summer shops and restaurants also on Replot Island, in the village of Björköby, in the municipality of Maxmo and on Bergö Island.

Campfire Sites

There are dry toilets on the campfire sites on islands managed by Metsähallitus. These sites can be reached by car or by boat: 

  • By car
    • Campfire site near Saltkaret observation tower in Svedjehamn, Korsholm (63° 21.4752', 21° 17.4749')
    • Sommarö lean-to shelter, Korsholm (63˚9,81` 21˚18,25`)
    • Sommarö lean-to shelter at the shore of Sommarö Fort area, Korsholm (63° 09.4587', 21° 18.4629')
    • Lean-to shelter by Vargis wilderness hut, Korsholm (63˚19,15` 21˚10,7`)
  • By boat
    • Gåshällan, Närpes (62˚34,5` 21˚2,6`)
    • Kummelskär, Maxmo (lean-to shelter) (63˚27,63` 21˚46,37`)
    • Moikipää, Korsnäs (62˚53,52` 21˚5,5`)
    • Mässkär, Jakobstad (63˚43,7` 22˚35,1`)
    • Rönnskär, Malax (63˚3,7` 20˚48,2`)

Campfire Sites, Keep the Archipelago Tidy Association

  • Keep the Archipelago Tidy Association has campfire campfire sites, toilets, sewage pumpout stations for septic tanks etc. in the islands of Kvarken archipelago. See the map for the locations of the services (, in Finnish)
Lighting campfires is forbidden also at the constructed campfire sites if the forest fire warning is in effect. More information about lighting campfires can be found at Hiking in Finland.

Drinking Water

  • There is drinking water available in the guestharbour.
  • At other destinations, you need to bring your own drinking water.

Waste Management

There are no waste-bins in the world heritage area, so avoid taking any unnecessary waste into the area. Biodegradable waste should be placed in a dry toilet or composter, and small amounts of clean paper and cardboard can be used as kindling in a campfire. Read more about Hiking without Littering.

Keep the Archipelago Tidy Association has recycling points called Roska-Roope on several islands in Kvarken. See the map for the locations (, in Finnish) 


Overnight Stays

Camping and Huts

Nature Stations

All the nature stations offer accommodation, in the first place for guided groups. A fee is charged. The nature stations are former pilot stations or coastguard stations, which have been renovated for visitors to use. 

Rental Huts

  • By car
    • Björkören Hut in Panike, Korsholm. Room for 6+2 people, electricity, sauna.
    • Sommarö Guardhouse Rental hut, in Södra Vallgrund, Korsholm. Room for 22 people, water, electricity, wc, shower. 
  • By boat 
    • Rönnskäret Huts in the island of Fäliskäret, Malax. Room for 18 people, conference space, sauna, photo exhibition. 
    • Gåshällan Hut in Närpes. Room for 28 people, solar panel electricity supply, sauna. For catering service, see Gåshällan Nature Station's (, in Finnish) webpages.

Lodging in the Surrounding Area

  • There area several guest harbours in the archipelago. Information about locations and services of the harbours you can find in the book "Käyntisatamat - Besökshamnar" ( which is published every year. The book is available from well-stocked bookshops, boat fuel stations and beach kiosks.
  • More information on hotels etc. (

Services for the Disabled

Island of Kuparisaari has services for disabled (sturdy dock, boardwalk, toilet for disabled and cooking shelter) which are maintained by Keep the Archipelago Tidy Association ( island is accessible by boat. Otherwise there are no special services for the disabled on the nature stations and huts. 

Services for Boaters

The coordinates on these webpages are determined using the WGS 84 coordinate system.

Excursion and Service Harbours

  • There are several service harbours, excursion harbours, and other landing and camping places. More information you can find in the book "Käyntisatamat - Besökshamnar" (, which is published every year, and on nautical charts.

Customer service

Finnish Nature Centre Haltia, tel. +358 40 163 6200, info(at)

Kvarken Brochure

Map of Kvarken Archipelago
Pdf-file 3,0 Mb (

Map and Services of Björkö–Panike Hiking Trails

Pdf 1.1 Mb (


Check for Warnings

When forest and grass fire warnings ( are in effect, fire is only allowed at covered campfire sites that have a flue. A fire can be also lit in fireplaces at wilderness and other huts. Always use extreme caution when handling fire. The one who lights a fire is always responsible for its safe use. Please note, that making fire at these campfire sites can be banned locally. 

Gathering at the campfire sites increases the risk of coronavirus infection. Guidelines concerning coronavirus COVID-19