Directions to Hossa National Park

The renovation of the Hevonperse bridge on the snowmobile track will start at the end of week 27. The Peranka-Kukkuri summer hiking trail is closed at the bridge construction site. It is not allowed to go under the bridge. Paddlers can pass the site from the east side of the bridge.

All hiking trails are open in Hossa after the storm on 06/29.

Hossa National Park is located between the Highway 5, E63 and Suomussalmi–Murtovaara (no. 843) roads in the northern part of Suomussalmi, partly in the municipalities of Kuusamo and Taivalkoski. The nearest airport is located in Kuusamo and the nearest railway station in Kajaani.

Distance to Kuusamo 76 km, Suomussalmi 100 km, Kajaani 206 km ja Oulu 240 km.

To the Hiking Trails

The hiking trails can be accessed from the following parking areas: the Hossa Visitor Centre, Huosivirta, Hossalaislammit, Lihapyörre, Julma-Ölkky or Aittojoki.

Starting points for hiking trails, starting points for biking trails and starting points for canoe routes.

By Coach to Hossa

Hossa  is reached by coach in summer and autumn. In winter, you can take a bus to Peranka and Juntusranta.

On Kajaanintie/Viitostie (Highway 5, E63), between Kajaani and Kuusamo, there are coaches that go to Peranka. From Peranka, there is a connecting trail to the national park’s western end to the Kukkuri open wilderness hut (9.5 km) and the Hossa Visitor Centre (38 km).

On school days, coach Suomussalmi-Näätävaara-Juntusranta operates between Suomussalmi and Juntusranta. From Juntusranta, there is 34 km to Hossa.

The timetables for 3.6.-29.9.2024


Ticket products and schedules

Ticket products for the routes between Kuusamo and Kajaani are sold online and on buses. Single tickets are available online from Matkahuolto’s website and from the Reitit ja liput -mobile app. On buses, single tickets are sold for cash and with the most common bank and credit cards.

The schedules for the routes between Kuusamo and Kajaani are available from Matkahuolto’s website, Reittiopas and the Reiti ja liput -mobile app, as well as Google Maps.

By Train to Hossa

The nearest railway station to Hossa National Park is in Kajaani, which is 170 km from Hossa. Buses departing from and arriving in Kajaani stop at the travel center located next to the railway station.

There is a transfer connection from the bus service arriving in Kajaani from Kuusamo to the train departing from Kajaani to Helsinki. The transfer time in Kajaani is approx. 15 min. Similarly, for the bus service departing from Kajaani to Kuusamo, there is a transfer connection from the train arriving in Kajaani from Helsinki. The transfer time in Kajaani is approx. 20 or 45 min depending on the day of the week.

Detailed information about bus services can be found above in the section "By bus to Hossa". Tickets for trains and train schedules are available on VR's website (

By Car to Hossa

Hossa Visitor Centre, Jatkonsalmentie 6, Suomussalmi. More parking space is available on the other side of Jatkonsalmentie. Space for about 40 cars in total and for about 20 cars in winter.

Huosivirta parking area, Jatkonsalmentie 33, Suomussalmi. Space for 10 cars, no winter maintenance.

Hossalaislammet parking area, Pistonlehdontie 225, Suomussalmi. Space for 25 cars for most of the year, but only 10 cars in winter. Please note that not all GPS navigators recognise the address but direct you close to Highway 5. You should access the parking area via Jatkonsalmentie.

Lihapyörre parking area, at the end of the road turning north from Pistonlehdontie. Space in two parking areas for a total of 20 cars. In winter, the upper parking area, i.e., the starting point for the wilderness trail, has space for 8 cars.

Julma-Ölkky parking area, Julma-Ölkyntie 86, Kuusamo. Space for 80 cars. No winter maintenance.

Aittojoki parking area, along the road turning from Pistonlehdontie to Kokalmus. Space for 3 cars. No winter maintenance.